Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places) Dedicated to providing Spiritual FOOD FOR THOUGHT
To HELP Men and Women Find HOPE
(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (January 9th, 2020)
Friend, you may of heard the story of Jason McElwain by now. If not, you can go online for a great video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7ayocfGDzU Jason McElwain - Autistic Basketball Hero.
Jason was a senior at Greece Athena High School in Rochester, New York. He has experienced some tough times in his life. But most of the other students at his high school treated him with respect. He tries hard. People like him. He was very visible as manager of the school’s basketball team and is now the team’s assistant coach. Jason is also autistic.
Autism has been a major “hindrance” for J-Mac, as his friends call him. Autism is a brain disorder that typically shows itself in problems with socialization and communication. Some people find it hard to be around persons with autism.
J-Mac had the good fortune of attending a school that does everything possible to integrate students with developmental issues into the mainstream of life. Eight years ago, Coach, Jim Johnson even added him to the team roster for the final basketball game of the season. He hoped to get him in the game for a few minutes. He wanted J-Mac to have the experience. To get a team uniform! To cherish a memory. But he had no idea things would turn out as they did.
With Greece Athena well in the lead and four minutes left on the clock, Johnson put J-Mac in the game. And the young man did the unthinkable! After missing his first two shots, he scored 20 points in three minutes – 18 by throwing 6 three-point shots from the perimeter. The team carried him on their shoulders in celebration.
“This is the first moment Jason has ever succeeded and been proud of himself” said his mother. “I look at autism as the Berlin Wall, and he cracked it.” Her greater dream for her son is that he would get a high school diploma.
Hooray for Jason! Hooray for the attention this story has gained not only in the U.S.A. but also in international media! It really doesn’t get much better than this, a true example of how sports can create a positive experience and it’s the type of story a Hollywood studio would dream up. And hooray for the encouragement and hope this heart-warming episode will bring to families who are dealing with similar challenges.
However friend, I’ve not heard many folks applauding the coach for his decision to give J-Mac a chance. So my admiration goes out to Athena head coach Jim Johnson. He paid attention to a young man who needed a break. Made him team manager! Jim took the chance of putting a uniform on him and putting him into a game. What a courageous call by the coach!
“I’ve had a lot of thrills in coaching and I’ve coached a lot of wonderful young people, but I’ve never experienced something like this ever in my life – you know, other than my own family things,” Johnson said. “My emotions, I couldn’t stop crying.”
Friend, as I share this special story with you today, I thank God for people who give other people a chance.
“Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the
Honouring of differences, not simply in the
Enjoyment of similarities!”
(James Fredericks)
P.S. Let’s keep in touch. We would love to hear from you – if you have any questions, or comments, or if you just want someone to listen…you can write Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331.
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“See your differences as strengths rather than handicaps.
And instead of comparing yourself to others,
Be inspired by them!”
(Kathy Davis)
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