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 Where Is the Love?

Updated: Feb 4



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(John 10:10; 14:1-6)

 Where Is the Love?

Adapted from an article written by Tom Norvelle (04/08/2016)

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Friends, as followers of Jesus, we are responsible for speaking and demonstrating the

language of authentic love!

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, (TNT), we read the following words, which describe authentic love: “Love is patient, love is kind, is not jealous, love does not boast, does not behave arrogantly, does not seek its own advantage, is not irritated, does not keep an account of evil, does not applaud  wickedness, but rejoices with the truth; it puts up with everything, has faith in everything, has hope for everything; endures everything.  Love never fails.” 

This one paragraph can be found in what many call the "love chapter" of the Bible. This small paragraph is just a small portion of a letter written to a church struggling with almost every problem imaginable. In what seems to be his best effort to bring peace to their volatile situation, Paul wrote these words describing the one possible solution: love.

As Paul pondered the things going on in Corinth, the Spirit provided him with the words that were the opposite of what he saw. He saw impatience and unkindness. He saw envy, boasting, and rivalry. He saw Christians who were dishonouring other Christians. He saw people claiming to follow Jesus acting out of selfishness toward one another. He saw people becoming easily angered. He saw people claiming to know Jesus holding grudges against each other.

Paul's words reminded them that they needed to ask themselves a very important question: "Where is the love?"


Reading these words in the context of the events of our day — violence in our communities, vitriol in our political arena, and division in our churches — we need to ask ourselves the same question: "Where is the love?"


Words of love have been sparse in our political arena.

Although there are many references to something that sometimes resembles love, we do not hear much about it in news reports.

Many homes are filled with language expressing deep feelings.  Many of those feelings are expressed in a language far different from the language of love.

Workplaces are commonly known for the conversations that take place during breaks, lunch hours, water cooler visits, and office parties. However, those conversations rarely carry messages filled with the kind of love that Paul describes in these few verses on love

The apostle Paul, in the words mentioned above, describes the truest love. He is writing to Christians — to those of us who claim to walk with Jesus and live like Jesus. He is encouraging us as followers of Jesus to live our lives with Godly love:

·         In our homes.

·         In our communities.

·         In our workplaces.

·         In our political conversations.

·         In our schools.

. In our churches.

So, let's hear Paul's implied question to so many of our problems:

"Where is the love?"

It is not the task of politicians to speak and demonstrate the love that Paul describes.

It is not the task of the corporate world to speak and demonstrate the love that Paul describes.

It is not the task of news media to speak and demonstrate the love that Paul describes.


It is my responsibility to speak and demonstrate the language of genuine love. It is your responsibility if you claim to follow Jesus, to speak and demonstrate the language of this authentic love. It is the responsibility of our churches to speak and demonstrate the language of Jesus-styled love.

Hopefully, the search for this love will show that it can be found in the people of God who call Jesus their Lord.

Jesus said:

By your love for one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples

(John 13:35-TNT).

"Where is the love?"

The Bible says, Children, our love must not be mere words or talk, it must be action and truth (1 John 3:18 TNT).


Friends, you and I can talk a good talk, and say: I love people!” But do we actually love them? Do you actually love them?

Friends, our love is revealed in how we act toward them!

The Bible says, Children, our love must not be mere words or talk, it must be action and truth (1 John 3:18 TNT).

   You and I can good talk, and say: I love people!” But do we actually love them? Do you actually love them?

Friends, our love is revealed in how we act toward them!

                    Friends, if you would like help in obtaining a fresh look at God’s Loving Grace, we invite you to write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and ask for our FREE booklets titled The Relentless Love of God!” and How to Find God.”

You may request your complimentary copies from: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, 49/2 Plantation Street, Menora, Western Australia 6050 Or Email us at:

Until we share a new message of encouragement with you, may our Loving God lift you up on eagle’s wings and provide you with His Peace, Wisdom, and Love.

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