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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES Dedicated to HELPING Men & Women Find HOPE.

(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (November 6th, 2019)


Friend, a standard definition of the adjective ingenious would be something like “possessing or done with ingenuity; skilful, clever or having great intelligence.” Synonyms would include words like “Resourceful; creative, able to adapt to unusual or challenging situations.” The single most impressive illustration of an ingenious person I’ve run across in a long time is the story of a Doctor who did brain surgery with an ordinary drill.

Some years ago, Rubel Shelley wrote about Dr. Cesar Venero, who worked at a state hospital in the Andean highlands of Peru. His is a very poor country and his hospital is located in one of the poorest regions of Peru, which is about 415 Kilometres southeast of Lima.

This resourceful doctor used an ordinary electric drill and pliars to save the life of a 47-year-old man who had been brought to his hospital with a life-threatening head injury. “We have no (neurosurgical) instruments at the hospital,” Dr. Venero said, “He was dying, so I had no choice but to run to a hardware store to buy a drill and use the pliers that I fix my car with – of course after sterilizing them.”

“I drilled holes in his skull in a circle, leaving spaces of five millimetres, took out the bone with the pliers, and removed the clots that were putting pressure on his brain,” he explained. This wasn’t the first time Dr. Venero had used tools from a hardware store for surgical procedures. By the way, the patient who underwent brain surgery with a drill, recovered nicely after being transferred to a hospital in Lima.

Friend, as we think about the resourcefulness of Dr. Venero, some of us would do well to follow the good doctor’s example and learn to be a bit more clever, efficient, and inventive in our lives. Are you a sales person who sits for long periods waiting to see clients? Why not keep a Bible or some other good book with you to read instead of old magazines! Are you a commuter? Why not listen to an E-book as an alternative to radio trivia! If you can’t afford a week at the beach, why not explore interesting places within an hour from your home!

Has the economy challenged your company’s customary client base? Has illness changed the way your family functions? Has the community around your church changed radically over the past few years? Well, every challenge in life is a disguised opportunity for creative adaptation and productive learning!

Gideon used clay jars and trumpets to defeat an army. Samson used the jawbone from a donkey’s carcass to defeat his enemies and Jesus used a little boy’s lunch of bread and dried fish to feed thousands.

That’s what you call Resourcefulness!

Friend, our creativity often comes not from seeing the light, but from feeling the heat!

If you would like to know more about how our life’s troubles can help us grow, we’d be pleased to send you two FREE booklets that could change your life. They are titled, “WHERE TROUBLE CAN’T HURT YOU” and “TOMORROW CAN BE BETTER”.

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“Life’s challenges are not supposed to

Paralyse you – they’re supposed to

Help you discover who you are.”

(Bernice Johnson Reagon)

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