Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10)
(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (March 1st, 2020)
Monday, June 14, 2004, Gary McIntyre had just begun his workday in the Canadian woods. Suddenly he heard a noise, turned to look in the direction it was coming from, and realized he was being charged by an angry bear! Experienced forestry worker that he is, he knew there was no time for a proper introduction. So he scurried up the nearest tree.
However, the bear didn’t give up. She began climbing the tree behind him! “Her teeth were right under my boots,” said Gary in a television interview.
Unfortunately, Gary didn’t have the bear repellent he normally carries with him in the forests of New Brunswick. And he wasn’t carrying his two-way radio either. So Gary McIntyre began screaming at the bear in hopes of scaring her away. But she just kept climbing.
In fact, the bear got so close, that the man who has had encounters with bears before had to risk jumping from one tree into another to avoid being mauled by the powerful creature that was closing in on him!
“She tried to grab me for a while and after I stopped screaming, the bear calmed down,” he told the TV camera. “The more I screamed, the madder the bear got.”
However, the reason for the bear’s rage didn’t become apparent until much later, when the trapped man saw her cub crawling down from the top of a 16-metre tree not far from where he had encountered its mother.
The cub swung to the ground, nudged its mother, and the two of them ambled off. Gary McIntyre waited a few minutes, then came down from his place of refuge, and looked one last time at the deep gouges the bear had inflicted on the tree she had clawed in frustration. Grateful those marks were not on his body, the forestry worker went home – after a harrowing eight-hour day.
Friend, as I reflect on Gary McIntyre’s comment about his screaming only making the bear madder and more determined to get him, it reminds me of human behaviour. You see, although some people appear to think that loud, blustery threats are the means to power and influence, they more often, generate anger and opposition.
In reality, the truth is, whether in the workplace or at home, screeching at someone who has upset you or made a foolish mistake only humiliates and makes enemies. And if you happen to be on the receiving end, an in-kind reply seldom serves a good purpose and only escalates the tension and hostility.
As Solomon said, “A kind answer soothes angry feelings.” The Bible says, “But harsh words stir them up” (Proverbs 15:1) and “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!” (Proverbs 15:23).

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Loose Lips Sink Ships
“Kind words are jewels that live
in the heart and soul and remain
As blessed memories
Years after they have been spoken.”
(Marvea Johnson)
Friend, I sincerely hope that these thoughts we have shared with you today will cause you to pause long enough to consider whether your words or actions are an irritation or a blessing to others.
If you would like a FREE copy of a booklet titled “What You Say Is Powerful”, we would be pleased to send you one.
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A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES also has a wide variety of free materials to help you face the issues and questions of daily life, such as Parenting, Stress, Alcoholism, Divorce Recovery, Depression, Forgiveness, Marriage, Communication and Grief.
Friend, if you desire, we can also help you find someone that you can talk to about spiritual issues. If we can be of assistance in any of these areas, please feel free to make contact with us. We are always pleased to hear from readers of our daily messages of encouragement!

To hear and View this ~Video~ Please click on the Link below A stunning video glorifying God and His magnificent creation!