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(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

Are dedicated to HELPING


(John 10:10)

(April 14th, 2020)


Friend, I strongly believe the world we are living in needs to be changed. It’s no small task mind you. And I don’t take it lightly. So I’ll have to ask for your help in doing it.

Obviously there needs to be less violence in the world. There are too many angry people on the road and in our workplaces. There are too many abusive words spoken in homes. And there are too many people who never get spoken to except to be criticized, put down, or made fun of. However, things don’t have to be that way. Because, in working together, you and I can change this hateful pattern and drain off some of the savage anger that is destroying so many people.

The world definitely needs more smiles. It doesn’t take any great effort to acknowledge people on the footpath or cycleway, in lifts, or at restaurants. Why it is even possible to smile at shop-assistants and customers. There’s something almost magical when a shop-assistant and customer smile simultaneously – and speak pleasantly. It starts with a simple, natural smile directed at another human being - which, in itself, is able to work miraculous changes.

We certainly need increased kindness to each other too. Every time you cross paths with another human being, you have the opportunity to see and affirm the image of God he or she bears. And, by our actions, we can either build that person up or tear them down. If you do the former, you are honouring God and affirming human dignity; if you do the latter, you are not so much insulting that person, but the God in whose likeness he or she was created. So racism, sexism, and other hateful “isms” of the world are banned.

Summing up what I’m trying to communicate with you today, I suppose it all translates into Jesus’ call for us to love one another.” Perhaps that’s why less rage and more smiles, fewer incivilities and more kindness don’t sound like such novel ideas. However, the notion here isn’t novelty but need not originality but urgency. And don’t you, along with me, think these little things would make the world a better place for us all?

“But it’s too simplistic!” someone protests. Are you sure? Well, when you really take the time to stop and think about it, the world gets changed not only by the mighty exploits of its occasional superstar heroes, but also by the cumulative little deeds of each soul who aspires to a holy thing.

Friend, let me encourage you not to wait for someone else to take the initiative in your workplace, at home, or in your church. No leader needs to give you permission. Just do these right, positive, and wholesome things yourself. If you must, do them alone – go person to person with them and God will make you into a world-changer!

The purpose behind our Discovering a BETTER LIFE” messages is to help men and women find and enjoy a better life. We sincerely hope this has been true in your life today.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Always remember you have within you

The strength, the patience, and the

Passion to reach for the stars

To change the world.”

(Harriet Tubman)

Of course friend, the greatest world changer ever to live upon this earth was a man who was born 2,000 years ago. He was a man who changed the course of history and divided it into B.C. and A.D. He was a carpenter, who was betrayed by one of his followers, and then executed for crimes he did not commit.

Today, there are millions of people around the world who claim he has radically changed their lives. His name, Jesus Christ! He came from heaven and his life and teaching, while living on this earth, changed the world in a remarkable way!

Paula Gooder wrote the following profound words concerning Jesus:

The thing that of course changes everything is Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Jesus could have come and been a wise teacher, but he’d have just been a vaguely interesting person at that point.

The thing that makes the difference is that Jesus died and rose again!”

Friend, in light of what I have already written, along with the above statement made by Paula Gooder about Jesus,

Please Allow Me to Introduce You to Jesus

“He’s the kind of man you’ve never met before,

I believe your misconceptions will leave you,

When you greet the man of freedom at your door!

Cooling water when I’m dry,

Living bread to satisfy,

Life and Truth and The Way until I die!

All you’re looking for is found in Jesus!

Believe and trust your life to Him!

Should you try to make it on your own without Jesus!

Take a look at your ever growing company.

I believe that they are saying what you say,

“Such a crowd could never miss reality!”

But where’s the Love you seek from them?

Where’s the Peace you’ve lost again?

Where’s the Answer you believed was with your friends?

All you’re looking for is found in Jesus!

Believe and trust your life to Him!

Believe and trust your life to Him!

Believe and trust your life to Him!”

John 10:10; John 14:6

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My friend, if you have already entered into a personal saving relationship with Jesus the Christ, through faith and obedience that once in a lifetime decision and action will strengthen you for the life of faith every day! In fact, the future belongs to you because you are in Christ!

However, if you would like to know more about Jesus, the greatest world changer ever, we would be happy to send you a small booklet titled Who is this Jesus?”

This booklet won’t cost you anything, but it might enable you to enjoy a powerful and personal relationship with my best friend, who also loved you enough, to die for you in order that you might experience freedom and peace of mind.

If you would like a copy of our booklet Who is this Jesus?," write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331.

Telephone us on: (08) 98 418 418. Or Email us at:

Friend, until tomorrow, when we shall share a new message of encouragement with you, may our Loving God lift you up on eagle’s wings and provide you with His Peace, Wisdom, and Love.

Ron Bainbridge

Co-ordinator of:

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A beautiful Irish Blessing narrated by Roma Downey

Just for you !



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© Ron Bainbridge

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