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(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

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(John 10:10)

(February 15th, 2021)


Friend, in 1891 a disagreeable student with a bitter tongue earned the name Bill the Cynic.” -- On one occasion he wrote to a friend he had offended and stated: “I know I am hard, proud, conceited, scornful, bitter . . . and insulting very often, and always selfish; but I don’t like you to treat me as though I wasn’t trying to do a bit better.”

As you listen to those words, there’s pain expressed within them! Yes, I know Bill inflicted pain; and I’m not trying to deny what everyone under the sun knew! But in sharing about the pain experienced by Bill, I only wish to stress a point that is not often enough stressed. (Well, it seems under-stressed to me!).

In reality, people who rebuke others for their failings often get to enjoy the process. Sometimes, with something close to relish, such people strip transgressors of their flesh, centimetre by centimetre, until they are a quivering mass of exposed nerve endings. Often, the shock to the system is more than many can appreciate.

In fact, it can take a long time to recover from harsh rebuke; and some people never really do recover. Their potential for growth is blasted, and their life can cause them to become a nervous wreck, as those who rebuke them mercilessly strip away their self- esteem, through their twisted logic, that transgressors “must be made to see and feel the seriousness of their transgression.”

However, it really makes no sense at all to strip and traumatize and further shame men and women who give every indication that they’re fully aware of their guilt. And, how detestable is the accusation that is so often handed out, that “he or she is only sorry because they got caught.” What an ungodly thing to say when there’s not a shred of evidence to substantiate such an accusation.

In fact, what arrogance we show when we claim to be able to see behind heaving sobs and a burning face. May God protect us from these clairvoyants who think they know the inner motives of others!

From my observation over many years, it isn’t unusual for those who often choose to rebuke---when they warm to their work---to accuse the transgressor of additional wrongs and of callousness in connection with the original wrong. And a sad thing is, the transgressor is often afraid to protest these unjust accusations lest he or she be thought impenitent, lest doubt be cast on his or her sorrow over the matter in which they are truly guilty.

Well, having said all of that, let me share with you that Bill the Cynicis actually a man whose name is Edward “Bill” Wilson. He was one of the men who accompanied Robert Scott to the Antarctic and to death.

In March 1912, Scott wrote some words about Bill” Wilson while they were both waiting to die because of the extreme circumstances they found themselves to be in.

The following words are what he wrote: “If this letter reaches you, Bill and I will have gone out together. We are very near it now; and I should like you to know how splendid he was at the end, everlastingly cheerful and ready to sacrifice himself for others.”

Friend, the expedition team called Bill,

Bill the Peacemaker.”

As I share this story with you today, it comes to my mind that it was right in the early days to rebuke Bill the Cynic when the occasion warranted it; but it was wrong to treat him as though he “wasn’t trying to do a bit better.” The truth is he’d been trying all along.

Friend, to illustrate the point I’m trying to leave with you today, I’d like to share a story that I read some time ago about criticism. At a university one day, a lecturer held up a large white handkerchief marred by one small ink blot. He asked his students, “What do you see?” The unanimous reply was An ink blot!” -- No one had noticed the large white background. But that seems to be the normal human trait. Most of us are quick to see the FAULTS in others, but tend to overlook their GOOD QUALITIES.

I remember reading about one lady who criticized her neighbour for hanging dirty clothes on her line, only to discover that the dirty streaks were not on her neighbour’s washing, but on her own window! By the same token, we need to be careful that we are not guilty of criticizing others simply because we are looking at them through our own nasty disposition.

As you reflect on the story I’ve shared with you today about Bill” Wilson, I hope that each of us will remember that just as picking a flower to pieces, petal by petal will destroy its beauty, so the morbid dissection of another person’s character, by whispering and gossip, may shatter the reputation and destroy the happiness of the person we are rebuking or speaking out against.

Friend, if you would like some help in controlling your speech, we’d be pleased to send you two small booklets titled: What You Say Is Powerful and TONGUE CONTROL.”

Request your complimentary copies from: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, Post Office Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331.

Phone us on: (08) 98 418 418 Or Email us at:

“Little deeds of kindness,

Little words of love,

Help to make earth happy

Like the heaven above.”

Julia Fletcher Carney (1823-1908)

Ron Bainbridge

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Loose Lips Sink Ships!”



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