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Updated: Oct 12, 2022




Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places,

Are dedicated to HELPING


(John 10:10)

(October 10th, 2022)


Friends, here are some interesting pieces of information you can introduce into a really dull conversation.

1. The reason old-time fire-stations had circular stairways and brass poles is that the horses kept to pull the fire engines and stabled on the ground floor, kept figuring out how to walk up regular staircases.

2. A duck’s quack doesn’t echo - and nobody knows why!

3. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 123,456,789,987,654,321

4. The term “the whole nine yards” comes from World War II fighter pilots in the Pacific. Ammunition belts for the .50 calibre machine guns in their planes measured twenty-seven feet long when unrolled on the ground for fitting with bullets. If a pilot fired all his ammunition on the run, an enemy got “the whole nine yards.”

5. The sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English alphabet.

6. The position of the legs on a park statue tells you how the person died. If the horse has both front legs in the air, its rider died in battle; if one front leg is in the air, the person died from wounds received in battle; if all four legs are in contact with the ground, the person honoured by the statue died of natural causes.

Friend, I certainly hope you find this information interesting. Did you learn anything new? Perhaps you know someone you can impress with one or more of these facts? However, before you get too excited, let me give you the collective term for such pieces of information I have just shared with you. The word istrivia.”

I suspect that a lot of us are frittering away our lives with the moral and spiritual equivalent of trivia. Such as, “he’s not really a bad person. He’s made several million dollars with his drive to succeed - though he has gone through three wives. She’s not a criminal. But nobody can work with her on company projects - in spite of the fact that everybody knows she’s the brightest person there.”

Perhaps, if we find ourselves in such circumstances, we’re too much into trivia - success, quotas, money, and awards. And too little into what really matters - people and the God in whose image they are created! Who wants this epitaph: “He put in more overtime than anybody”?

Friend, as you and I go through life, it’s important that we enjoy our achievements and their rewards. But let is not major in trivia! Because the really important part of life on this earth is people - and learning to love them!

Today I would like to encourage you to make some positive plans for joy and laughter, love and family, growing older and retirement, so that you might accomplish your life objectives.

To help you achieve this, Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES would like to offer you a FREE pamphlet that provides you with eight important decisions which will help you experience real success.

To receive your copy of the above pamphlet, write to us at P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331 and request THE SUCCESS PLAN.” We will be pleased to mail it to you.

E-mail us at Or Phone your request to us on: (08) 98 418 418

____ GOOD____

“Do all the good you can,

By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

At all the times you can,

To all the people you can,

As long as ever you can!”

(John Wesley - 1703-1791)

Friend, thank you for taking the time to read our message today! We look forward to sharing another message with you tomorrow.

Until then, may God bless you with His Peace, Love, and Wisdom!

Ron Bainbridge

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