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Develop the Patience to Keep Trying Something Different




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(John 10:10)

(MAY 18th, 2020)

Develop the Patience to Keep Trying

Something Different

Friend, was there ever a time in your life when you felt stuck? When your life was bogged down with no way to move forward? What did you do?

Well, most of us respond with frustration and anger, whether it’s a car in the mud, a life put on hold or a relationship on the rocks. When we get frustrated, most of us reduce our options to one: force! So we jam our foot on the accelerator and lunge ahead with all our might. And succeed only in digging a deeper hole.

However, there is another way to handle the obstacles in our lives, and that is to have the patience to keep trying something different.

Friend, patience involves courage … the courage to back off, to keep looking for a more creative solution to the problem. Patience means you can, and you will, endure whatever you must to accomplish your task. Patience means you will not allow any frustration to deprive you of reaching your goal.

One day, an assistant came to Thomas Edison, discouraged at his lack of progress on a research problem.

“How often have you tried?” asked Edison.

“At least two thousand times,” the assistant explained.

“Well, don’t give up now,” said Edison. “You have already found two thousand ways in which it cannot be done.”

Comte de Buffon said, “Never think that God’s delays are God’s denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius.”

Friend, perhaps, even as you are reading what I am sharing with you today, you may be facing some serious problems in your life. Perhaps they are big ones. Well, I’m not going to tell you there are any easy answers.

However, we at Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES do care about you and we want to provide you with help by offering a FREE booklet which may be of some value in helping you find solutions. This booklet is titled: How to Handle TROUBLE.”

To receive your complimentary copy, simply write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331.

Phone your request on: (08) 98 418 418. Or Email us at:

“Determination, patience and courage

Are the only things you need

To improve any situation!

If you want a situation changed

Badly enough you will find these three things!”

Friend, thank you for taking the time to read what we feel privileged to have shared with you today. We hope you have been encouraged and blessed.

Ron Bainbridge

Co-ordinator of:

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"Psalm 91" To hear and View this ~Video ~ Please click on the Link below “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”



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© Ron Bainbridge

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