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(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

Are dedicated to HELPING


(John 10:10)

(April 25th, 2020)



Friends, WELCOME to Discovering A BETTER LIFE! For each of you who are reading this message today, we want you to know that there is HOPE in this life for everyone to experience joy, peace, meaning, and purpose.

The HOPE we at A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES talk about so often, is discovered by embracing an intimate personal relationship with the living God who made you, who loves you, and who wants the best for you…both now and forever!

Friend, in order to make sure that you are able to find your way to God, He did an extraordinary thing: He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth in order to show men and women the way! Jesus Himself said, “My purpose is to give eternal life – abundantly!” (John 10:10). Sometime later He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: No one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

It is because of those words spoken by Jesus that we can positively know there is HOPE for life and we know, (with confident assurance because of His subsequent death and resurrection), that you and I, along with all men and women upon the face of this earth, are able live a life of HOPE, Joy, Peace, Purpose and Glory, if we are willing to place our faith and trust in Jesus.

We sincerely believe that Jesus Christ is the way to a personal, intimate, spiritual relationship with God, because God sent His unique Son to this earth to show us the way to Him.

In fact, Jesus is the bridge from an imperfect life with its sin and frustration to a wonderful life with a loving, merciful and gracious God.

Amazingly, Jesus made a way for us to find God by dying for our sins, and then God miraculously raised him from the dead!

Well, right now, you might be asking the question, “Why do we need help to get to God?”

The simple answer to that question is because we live in a world that is in conflict. There is evil in this world! It’s a world that is in constant conflict with good. This evil is known as sin, because it is rebellion against God! A rebellion that separates us from God!

Friend, the real biblical meaning of sin is not what you may be thinking. In Biblical Hebrew the root chet (חטא) actually means to be slightly off, to miss the mark. To Ancient Israelites, to sin meant to make a mistake or to neglect one's obligation. For example, in Genesis 31, Jacob asks Laban, "What is my offense, what is my guilt chet (חטא) that you have chased me down?" This word, chet (חטא), appearing almost 500 times in the Bible, is central to the biblical state of mind, where upholding one's covenantal obligations was paramount.

When you read it in Hebrew, you get a new perspective ofsinnot as a blemish, but rather a human error. Fortunately, there is a remedy.

According to the Bible, our sins can be corrected by strengthening one's relationship with God, seeking His forgiveness and improving our behaviour moving forward.

However, for some of us, it is easy to believe that we are not a bad person and that we can make sense of our own life. But deep down in our heart, is the knowledge that we are not good enough, or powerful enough to make sense of this world and our life.

The truth is, each of us have done things we shouldn’t have, and not done things we should have. And we sometimes hunger to know the God who is perfect, who made this world, who can make sense of life.

But none of us is perfect! In reality, each of us may be better than some, but worse than others. So who are we to ask anything of God?

Indeed, when we stop to think about it, because of our inherent weaknesses, our very lives must be offensive to God. And deep within our heart, we know we cannot fix it by ourselves!

This is the reason for God sending his perfect Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth. And in an intriguing way, God told the story of his Son in a book, so we could know him personally.

We at A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES believe that the book called the Bible, really is the Inspired Word of God, and that this is where the good news about Jesus is found.

The good news that God’s own Son was born into this messed-up world, that He lived like we live, and that He let himself die for our mistakes for each of our sins. That He paid an enormous price for us, so that we could each face God without the shame and guilt of sin.

In essence, Jesus models for us how to live a God designed and God directed life in this world.

The Bible reveals to us that Jesus is the way back to God. That He is the answer to those deep questions that each of us ask in our reflective moments.

Questions such as;

Where did we come from?

What are we doing here on this earth?

And, where will we go when our life on earth ceases?

Friend, the Bible reveals to us that Jesus is the door to our spiritual understanding, that He is the One who enables us to experience true spiritual life on earth, and that He is the only way to the One True Living God, who offers each of us forgiveness of sins and the HOPE of eternal life. Indeed, it is only through coming to know and trust our life to Jesus that we can find true meaning, joy, peace, and purpose in each of our lives.

As one song so beautifully proclaims;

Jesus is able to accomplish whatever may concern you today.

He is able to handle anything that might come your way.

He is able to do much more than you could ever dream.

And, He is able to make you complete in every way.”

Dear friend, we believe that the good news about Jesus is not just that he suffered and died for our sins. It is also that God raised him back from the dead. Now that makes sense!

That God would send his Son to this earth to show us how to live, that He would die for our sins, and then, triumphantly, that God would raise Him back from the grave in which His dead body lay! In fact, it makes more sense to us than anything else in this world!

Indeed, it was these truths that the apostle Paul was communicating in his letters to the Romans and the Galatians, as we read the following inspired words from the Bible; “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23-24).

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).

For you are all sons/daughters of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were immersed into Christ have put on Christ(Galatians 3:26-27).

Friend if, after having read this message today you would like to learn more about Jesus and how He can help you and me to move forward in our life’s journey and to discover how to live a life of real HOPE, we invite you to write to us and request a FREE booklet, which we have titled: WHO IS THIS JESUS?

To receive your complimentary copy of WHO IS THIS JESUS?" Simply write to: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331

Phone us on: (08) 98 418 418 Or Email your request at:

“Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.”

(Christopher Reeve)

Friend, thank you for taking the time to read our message today! We look forward to sharing another message with you tomorrow.

Until then, may God bless you with His Peace, Love, and Wisdom!

Ron Bainbridge

Co-ordinator of:

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Media Outreach of Kendenup church of Christ


To hear and View this ~Video~ Please click on the Link below

Glory to God in the highest!

Thank you to Thomas Jones and Richard Berardi for contributing

Their inspired and soothing rendition of “Amazing Grace



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© Ron Bainbridge

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