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Discovering A BETTER LIFE Radio Messages

Updated: Feb 26

Ron Bainbridge at the Microphone

Tom Reed at the Controls

Discovering A BETTER LIFE Radio Messages

Early in 1996, the Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES team was invited by the local Albany Community Radio Station 100.9 FM, to present a weekly Bible message. With the assistance and generosity of our audio technician, Tom Reed, we established a recording studio at his home and pre-recorded our first radio message on July 29th, 1996. This message went to air on Sunday morning, August 18th, 1996. These 15-minute weekly messages were presented as Discovering A BETTER LIFE and continue to be broadcast in 2022.

In 1997 our 30-minute program known as A Cappella SONGS of INSPIRATION commenced broadcasting on Sunday evenings from our local Albany Community Radio Station 100.9 FM We give God the praise for providing us with an exciting opportunity to introduce A Cappella Praise and Worship songs into our community. The 15-minute and 30-minute programs, presented by Ron Bainbridge, are in a contemporary, easy listening style to reach the unchurched listener, by offering words of Gospel-centred hope, on a completely non-Denominational basis, to help people cope with the stresses of life.

Some weeks after our A Cappella SONGS of INSPIRATION began broadcasting, we received a letter from Ian Hall who presents a program on Central Victorian Gospel Radio in which he wrote the following words, "Last week our friends the Ribe family, namely Yvette, passed on some of your tape ministry programs for us to listen to. I found on listening; a refreshing difference and a quality not matched by some of our broadcast material, including the A Cappella singing. I am writing to both thank you for your audio tape ministry and to ask permission to play the tapes on our radio station on an occasional basis to gauge listener response and to assist our program material. Whatever your response to my request, I thank you for your professional-quality production and message to the listening and learning audience. God bless your continued service. Thank you, Ian Hall."

We were happy to oblige this request and received very positive responses to what was broadcast on Central Victorian Gospel Radio, for which we praise God!

In 2001, the Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES team was invited by the Albany Community Radio Station 100.9 FM to present our 5-minute daily devotional program, (HEARTBEAT) which was broadcast from Monday through Friday each week. These 5-minute messages have been aimed to help listeners with personal or social problems. They offer words of encouragement and hope based on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

On May 23rd, 2018, we were privileged to team with the Community Radio 103.9 HOPE FM Station in Esperance, when its enthusiastic, dedicated team of volunteers agreed to broadcast our 15-minute Discovering A BETTER LIFE messages, which are dedicated to helping men and women find hope, meaning and purpose for a better life through a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.

As of June 21st, 2020, the Esperance Community Radio Station 103.9 HOPE FM, has regularly presented our 15-minute Discovering A BETTER LIFE messages each Sunday at 11 am and 11 pm We praise God for having afforded us this opportunity to share His Love with the people of Esperance and surrounding areas.

In September 2020, the Radio Great Southern Easy Listening 1611 AM Station commenced broadcasting our 15-minute Discovering A BETTER LIFE messages from Wagin in Western Australia on Sundays at 8.45 am and are replaying the messages on Tuesdays at 9.15 am As this station is totally automated, it is possible to listen online, via the internet, and all mobile devices using this link Again, we are thankful to God for this opportunity to share our messages, which are dedicated to helping men and women find hope, meaning, and purpose for thebetter life”, offered freely by Jesus Christ, to all who are willing to place their trust and hope in Him (John 10:10).

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Friend, if you’d like to write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE for further information, comments, or suggestions, or for a complimentary copy of our booklet, TOMORROW CAN BE BETTER,” we’d be pleased to hear from you. Our address is 175 Smuts Road, Kendenup, Western Australia 6323. If you prefer, Phone us on (08) 98 418 418, or email us at:

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