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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places) Is dedicated to HELPING Men and Women Find HOPE


(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (November 30th, 2019)


In August 1930, 45-year-old Joseph Crater waved goodbye to friends after an evening meal in a New York restaurant and flagged down a taxi. He was never seen or heard from again.

More than 80 years of research has offered countless theories, but no conclusions.

Since Joseph Crater was a successful New York Supreme Court judge, many people have suspected murder, but a solid lead has never been found. Other options have been presented - kidnapping, Mafia involvement, even suicide.

A search of his apartment revealed one clue. It was a note attached to a cheque, and both were left for his wife. The cheque was for a large amount, and the note simply read, "I am very weary. Love, Joe."

The note could have been nothing more than a thought at the end of a hard day. Or it could have meant a great deal more - the epitaph of a despairing man.

Friend, weariness is tough. I don't mean the physical weariness that comes from mowing your lawn or the mental weariness that follows a hard day of decisions and thinking.

No, the weariness that attacked Judge Crater is much worse. It's the weariness that comes just before you give up. It’s that feeling of honest desperation. It's the dispirited father, the abandoned child, or the retiree with time on their hands. It's that stage in life when motivation disappears - the children grow up, a job is lost, a wife dies.

The result is weariness - deep, lonely, frustrated weariness.

Only one man in history has claimed to have an answer for it. He stands before all the Joseph Craters of the world with the same promise: "Come to me, all you who are weary … and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

Perhaps, even as you are reading what I have shared with you today, you're experiencing that feeling of deep, lonely, frustrated weariness and are on the verge of giving up.

If so, I invite you to write for two leaflets that could offer you some hope of overcoming your desperate feelings. For your FREE copies, simply write to us and ask for "THE LONELINESS PLAN" and "THE DEPRESSION PLAN". Our address is: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany WA 6331. Or Email us at:

Friend, I sincerely hope this day is especially good for you! We look forward to sharing more thoughts with you tomorrow.

“We can be cured of depression in only fourteen

Days if every day we will try to think of how

We can be helpful to others.”

Alfred Adler, (1870-1937)

Friend, We invite You To Partner With Us,

By Sharing Discovering A BETTER LIFE

With a Friend, a Loved, one or a Co-worker!



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