Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10)
(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (February 27th, 2020)
Friend, when I describe it, you’ll be able to visualize it. I’m certainly not the first person who has observed it. But there is a lesson in it we both may have overlooked.
I ask you to imagine a group of children on a beach. They’re playing at the edge of the water. Laughing, as they build their sandcastles, they seem so intent on the project. You get amused at how meticulous and careful they are with crumbly corners and tiny turrets. The looks on their faces as they screw their mouths around and stick out their tongues in earnest concentration are priceless.
Then a big wave starts to close in! But the kids don’t panic. They do the strangest thing. They jump to their feet with excitement, as they watch the waves wash away their creations.
There is no hysteria. No sadness. No bitterness. It seems that even little children know the fate that awaits sandcastles. So they are neither shocked nor angry when the tide comes.
You know friend, we’d all be much healthier emotionally if we exercised the innocent wisdom of little children. The stuff of this world is about as permanent as sandcastles on a beach. Yet we get so caught up in it, defensive over it, and depressed over the loss of it.
The truth is, God didn’t create you and me for this world. Our destiny is not bound up in cash and shares, land and houses, fame and monuments. So living to be a hundred years old is far less important than living well – even if for a relatively short time. And beautifying your body is not nearly as urgent as living with a pure heart before God.
Friend, children know that their castles in the sand are brief joys destined to be washed away by an incoming tide. So they don’t fret as the waves approach and they typically watch their creations get swept away without shedding tears.
Everything about this life is so transient. One day the incoming wave of our mortality is going to sweep it all away. Like sandcastles at the edge of the ocean, nothing we do for the sake of this world can survive. Only what you do here for eternity will last. Only the treasures you send ahead will escape corruption.
What would the loss of your job or business do to you? What if your house were to go up in smoke tonight? What if a pain sent you to the doctor and led to the discovery that you have only a few weeks to live?
These things really do happen to people, you know. We are all vulnerable. We are all quite mortal. In fact, everything about our existence here on earth is about as enduring as sandcastles.
Life is God’s gift! Revel in every good thing. Enjoy your castles in the sand. Just be careful not to let yourself get unduly attached to them.
Today Friend, if you would like to know how you can live above life’s losses, we invite you to write for a FREE booklet which is titled “Can a person live above life’s losses?”
Our address is Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331. Phone us on: (08) 98 418 418 Or you may E-mail us at:
“Our lives are not determined by what happens
To us but by how we react to what happens,
Not by what life brings to us, but by
The attitude we bring to life.”
Friend, if you would like to read more human interest stories, we invite you to visit our Website Blog at:

(By Ronnie Kimball) To hear and View this ~Video~ Please click on the Link below
"When that day comes
Will I dance for you Jesus?"