Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering a BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10)
(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (March 26th, 2020)
Marla Hanson was off work for five months. Many people thought she would never be able to go back to her job. But there she was on the network morning news on her first day back. Radiant! Smiling!
Marla Hanson is a model. She had been away from her job because an assailant with a razor sharp knife had cut up her face. That attack hospitalized her and required more than 100 stitches in her face. One cut ran from the right corner of her mouth across her cheek. Another went from mid-nostril to her left temple, missing her eye by only 5 mm.
The scars are still visible. They probably always will be. But she has a marvelous attitude toward those scars on her face. She says, “Everybody has scars! Mine show; but most people carry theirs inside.”
Marla Hanson is right! Every soul takes its blows! We are all wounded, bruised, and hurting in certain situations. Some people have to endure more pain than others, but everybody gets some.
Today, my friend, it may be one of your days to cry out in pain. Perhaps someone has misunderstood you or treated you unkindly. Perhaps it was a thoughtless thing someone said which pierced to the depths of your soul. Maybe it’s just that nobody seems to notice or care that your life is sad, lonely, and pained. It hurts!
Perhaps the scar on your soul is an old one which just won’t heal. You may be like one lady I know whose bitterness shows from every pore.
A long time ago, somebody did her a disservice, neglected her at a time of need, or sinned against her. I don’t really know what actually happened to her. But she has been keeping score and can’t forget. Now she is bitter toward everyone.
Some people are scarred by jealousy. He resents that someone else got the promotion and raise. He envies the person who has a position which generates more notice than his. So he seethes. Can you identify with that awful wound and its scar?
Other people carry the scar of monotony. Their lives are lonely because of a self-imposed exile from community. They lead dull lives because they will not extend themselves for the sake of others. They are self-absorbed and waiting for someone else to fix what is wrong with the world and make them happy. Friend, I certainly hope you don’t belong to that sad group of people.

The truth is, if there were no pain, wounds, or scars, there would be no need for a doctor. So I hope you will remember---no matter how much life hurts, there is a God of all comfort waiting to give you the love, forgiveness and hope you need. And He provides this comfort through the compassionate and gentle Jesus, who is able to help heal your injury.
Friend, today, I encourage you to go to Jesus with your hurts. Amazingly! He can help you fix them and let you function as a normal person again.

Friend, if in your heart you are feeling that life has let you down and you’re experiencing difficulty in coping with the scars that remain, let me encourage you to write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE for a FREE booklet titled, “When Life Lets You DOWN.” This booklet contains a message that will provide you with hope to overcome your disappointments.
To receive your complimentary copy, write to: P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331. Phone your request on: (08) 9841 8418.
Our E-mail address is: abl-alb@omninet.net.au
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