Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to providing
To HELP Men and Women Find HOPE
(Ron Bainbridge, Editor)
(January 23rd, 2020)
Friend, have you ever noticed that there are very few universal experiences in life? These rare events give us an experience that everyone can relate to. One of these experiences that no one can avoid is the feeling of hardship. We all know the feeling of being down in the ditch and feeling like there is no hope. Even though our struggles come in every shape and size, the experience of feeling hopeless is something that we’ve all shared. For some people the struggle is with themselves, with their emotions, self-confidence, or depression. Others are bombarded and attacked by situations of the world.
However, no matter how difficult our struggles, there is always hope. No matter how long we’ve fought to overcome our hardship, there is always hope. The pursuit for hope is another of life’s common experiences and is often difficult to accomplish. The trick to finding hope is to look in the right place.
Throughout life we are lured into countless situations that offer to return hope, only to find ourselves back in hard times. In our desperation to find hope we have been convinced to seek it through the pursuit of medicine, relationships, ethics, philosophy, hobbies, education, and many other paths. While most of these are great courses to pursue, none of them will deliver you to true hope.
Too often, in desperation, we attempt to find a cure to life’s problems by doing things that we know are wrong. At some point of time in each of our lives, we have done things that ultimately are not good for us. Somewhere along the journey we are convinced that with the help of drugs, inappropriate relationships, lying, or the pursuit of greed we will be able to fix the troubles in our life. The sad truth is that none of these things can ever fix life’s problems.
The worst part is that such a lifestyle unfortunately only makes things worse. The wrong choices we make are just a temporary fix for a problem that really has only one solution. True hope can only be found through the pursuit of someone greater than yourself. That greater being is God!
Our belief in God and our trust in His promises are the only way to fill our lives with hope. God wants to be in a personal relationship with us. He wants us to talk with Him every day. He wants to provide what we need for this life and eventually provide us with a life that doesn't end. What better hope could there be than that? It’s a “LIVING HOPE," only to be found through entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
Friend, I know from having read the many letters we receive from readers of these daily messages there are a lot of people who desperately want to make contact with God in order to find hope for their life, but they can’t seem to find Him. If that’s how you’re feeling, we think we can help. We certainly want to!
If you want to learn more about who God is and what He has done for us, we invite you to write for our two FREE booklets titled “How to find God” and “Who is this Jesus?”
Our Postal Address is: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331.
If you prefer, you may Phone us on: 98 418 418.
“The great essentials to happiness in this life are something to do,
Someone to love and something to hope for!”
(Joseph Addison, 1672 – 1719)

Let Him have His way with your heart
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