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Friend, in a world too often filled with bad news, the primary Mission of Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES, is in sharing the Good News that God, by His grace has enabled men and women to enter into an intimate, personal relationship with Himself, through what Jesus Christ accomplished by His death, burial, and resurrection. This is a wonderful reality that we treasure and enjoy by trusting that it is true! (2 Corinthians 5:17).




(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

Are dedicated to HELPING


(John 10:10)

(April 9th, 2019)



Friend, I strongly believe and understand, from what I read in my Bible, that our loving God desires each of us to experience a personal relationship with Him!

In fact, helping us to cultivate just such a bond with the Creator is both the most important purpose of Scripture and the ultimate point of all that the Bible contains! Jesus came to earth from heaven in order to provide humanity with abundant life -- not necessarily health or prosperity -- but a joy from within that thrives despite circumstances, because it is planted in His immediate presence (John 10:10; Psalm 16:11).

Friend, I am thoroughly convinced that when we lack that intimate, personal relationship, we either are not connected well to Christ or, something may be blocking the "current" so to speak!

Sometimes in my life that blockage may be caused by a physical illness or malady, or general distraction, or worry, or (most often) my own self-centeredness. To tell the truth, I have found that the only person in the world who can steal my peace or hinder an open relationship with the Heavenly Father is me. No matter what the problem, whether it is a challenging circumstance, a difficult person, an overwhelming temptation or a fearful crisis, such as the whole world is experiencing at present, as a result of the COVID-19 Virus.

However, I do know, with confident assurance, that if I honestly take my concerns to God and lay them openly at his feet, He gives me peace and strength for each ordeal. He does not always remove the difficulty, though sometimes he does, but he pours out an anointing balm of serenity, a sense of well-being, which truly transcends comprehension (Philippians. 4:6-7; Isaiah 40:27-31).

Friend, may you be filled this day with a strong sense of God's powerful presence by his Spirit, and may your heart be warmed with the knowledge that God the Creator of the universe and Jesus Christ the Risen Saviour know and love you personally and beyond measure (Romans 15:13).

I’m certain of one thing: each of us needs this wonderful Saviour. I do! You do!

Friend, if you have not already accepted Jesus into your life, I pray you will desire to place your faith in Him, confess Him as the Son of God, and be buried with Him in baptism for the forgiveness of your sins and be raised to walk in newness of the "abundant spiritual life" Jesus makes available to all who willingly commit their life to Him.

(Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3-8; Galatians 3:26-27)

“Some folks may ask me, some folks may say,

Who is this Jesus you talk about every day?

He is my Saviour; He set me free.

Now listen while I tell you what He means to me:

He is my everything! He is my all;

He is my everything! Both great and small.

He gave His life for me, Made everything new;

He is my everything! Now, how about you?”

Friend, if you would like to know more about Jesus, we would be happy to send to you a small booklet titled Who is this Jesus?”

This booklet won’t cost you anything, but it might encourage you to enjoy a powerful and personal relationship with Jesus the Christ, who loved you enough to die for you in order that you might experience freedom and peace of mind.

If you would like a copy of Who is this Jesus?just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331.

Email us at: or Phone us on: (08) 98 418 418

You can trust God, because:

"God’s mercies are new every morning.”

Friend, my prayer for you today is this, “May you be filled this day with a strong sense of God's powerful presence by his Spirit, and may your heart be warmed with the knowledge that God the Creator of the universe, and Jesus Christ the Risen Savior, know and love you personally and beyond measure” (Romans. 15:13).

May you feel God’s love surrounding you today!

Friend!, You are permitted—in fact, encouraged—to pass along any of our Daily messages to those you feel will benefit from them. Just click on the Forward to a Friendbutton.

Your participation in this way makes this our ministry instead of my ministry.

If you find anything here that brings you, or those with whom you share these messages, into a closer relationship with the Lord, we praise God and thank Him for permitting our paths to cross.

Thank you for taking the time to read today’s message. We hope you will visit us again.

Ron Bainbridge

Co-ordinator of:

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Media Outreach of Kendenup church of Christ


Friend, until tomorrow, when we shall share a new message of encouragement with you, may our Loving God lift you up on eagle’s wings and provide you with His Peace, Wisdom, and Love.

A stunning video glorifying God

and His magnificent creation!

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© Ron Bainbridge

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