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Updated: Dec 2, 2020

Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

They are dedicated to helping People find HOPE


(Ron Bainbridge, Editor)

December 1st, 2020


Friend, I think we would all agree that good relationships are the ideal. However we all learn very quickly that people are not always perfect. Each of us have experienced the tension of strained relationships, and we know the heartbreak of broken relationships.

The poet pens an accurate insight into human nature with the following statement:

“Here lies the tragedy of our race, not that men are poor, all men

Know something of poverty;

Not that men are wicked, who can claim to be good?

Not even that men are ignorant, who can boast that he is wise?

But that men are strangers!”

It is terrible when in our relations with others we become like ships passing each other in the night. There is just the vague, ghostly outline to be seen, but no clear focus. However, life teaches us that whenever we fail in human relationships, we are not failing at the fringe of things, but at the heart. We are failing as human beings.

When relationships are strained or shattered we are left with only two alternatives – reconciliation or a life-time of regret. We all experience loneliness when we build walls instead of bridges. In his song, “I Am A Rock," Paul Simon expresses all the anguish, bitterness and loneliness which is ours when relationships turn sour.

“Don’t talk of love;

I’ve heard the word before

It’s sleeping in my memory

And I won’t disturb the slumber

Of feelings that I have died!

If I never loved

I never would have cried

I am a rock, I am an Island

I touch no one and no one touches me

I am a rock, I am an Island

And a rock can feel no pain;

And an island never cries.”

Friend, the hurt and cynicism of that attitude is tragic. God did not create us to be rocks, but persons. We are not meant to be isolated islands surrounded by seas of misunderstanding with no bridges across the imprisoning straits of heartache. John Donne had an accurate insight into human nature when he declared; “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main . . . “


Friend, we can’t be human alone. Each of we need to be closely related to God and to enjoy meaningful, fulfilling relationships with others. Jesus emphasized these as the two most important issues of life (Matthew 22:37-39).

In reality, all healthy, life-giving relationships are based on Forgiveness, Deliverance and Guidance. We are created for acceptance and a sense of belonging, and it is only when we take the initiative to reach out our hand to others we discover the truth that life is relationships.

“In the end the love we take

Is equal to the love we make.”

If you would like to know more about how you can establish helpful, healthy and happy relationships, just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331 and ask for our FREE pamphlet titled You Can’t Be Human Alone."

Phone us on 61-8-98-418-418 or Email us at:

“Forgiveness does not change the past,

But it does enlarge the future.”

(Paul Boese)

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