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Updated: Jan 28

Friends, the mission of Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES is to provide men and women with words of Encouragement and Hope, as well as empower believers in Jesus Christ around the world, to recognize, experience, and celebrate their oneness with all others who know Jesus as Saviour and Lord, regardless of denomination, church fellowship, or historic tradition.

Discovering A BETTER LIFE


(Stories of: Real People, Real Events, Real Places)


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  Friends, throughout our journey on this earth, each of us experiences several life-changing moments.  TODAY could be one of those moments for you and me.  Please take a minute, right now, to pray and ask God to open your heart to receive this special word that can change your very life! Forgive those who have hurt you.


If you are reading this message today, I'm sure that you will have experienced, someone hurt you!   Some of you may have been physically or sexually abused as a child by a mother, a father, a relative, or someone your family knew.


Some of you may have had a wonderful childhood!  However, in your young adult life, you may have been hurt by a boyfriend or a girlfriend.  Some of you may have been the victim of a horrible crime like robbery or rape.         

Still, others may have been deeply hurt by a husband or wife who wanted a divorce.  Perhaps, some of you have been hurt later in life by your children.  Many of you reading this have perhaps, been hurt by employers, business associates, or close friends.

Sadly, some of you have even been hurt by a minister or church member.

No One is Immune from Hurt!

The fact is, each of us has been hurt at some point in our life.  However, as painful as the experience that caused this hurt in our lives may be, too many people have compounded that pain by letting bitterness, even hatred into their lives, against the person or people who caused their pain. Friend, today, I hope this message will help set you free from any hurt or pain you may have experienced.   

In a prison, they have a central lock that can automatically open all the cell doors in a specific area.  If you have ever been in prison or watched a prison movie, you know what I am talking about.  There is a loud buzz, followed by the clanking sound of all the cell doors automatically opening.

Today, many people are imprisoned by the hurts and pains in their lives.  However, today the cell door is going to open, if you will let it, and you are going to be FREE!!!

          The key to unlocking that door is FORGIVENESS!  As simple as this may seem, it can be one of the most difficult things in this world to do.  Forgiving someone who has hurt us deeply is one of the hardest things to do in life. It is not something that we can do in our own strength but must be done in the strength we get from the Lord God!

          The other problem I deal with each day is people not being able to forgive themselves.  The Bible informs us that we have "all sinned and come short of the glory of God."

         Friends, we are all sinners.  We all make mistakes.  When you go to God and confess your sins, the Bible promises us, that He not only forgives us, but cleanses us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)God not only has forgiven us, but He has forgotten the transgression.  God acts like it never happened.        

The point I'm trying to make today, is that if God has forgiven you, if God has wiped the slate clean, if in God's mind the sin never existed...then you need to forgive yourself.

Having said this, I realize that this may be a difficult message for many of you to hear!  However, if you will let it, it’s a message that could literally change the lives of those who will receive it...and do it!  It is time to forgive those who have hurt you, and it is time to forgive yourself!  Put the hurt and pain of your past behind you once and for all and move forward with your life.

         Friend, if you would like to know more about accepting God’s forgiveness, we encourage you to write for two small booklets titled: CAN I BE FORGIVEN?” and Accepting Forgiveness.”

Our Postal Address is: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, Unit 49/2 Plantation Street, Menora, Western Australia 6050

Or you may E-mail us at:

“When we trust that God has forgiven us

And feel forgiven, only then do

 We begin to understand the

Amazing grace that makes

His forgiveness


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© Ron Bainbridge

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