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Introducing Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

Updated: 4 days ago

Friends, the purpose of Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES, is to provide men and women with words of Encouragement and Hope, as well as empower believers in Jesus Christ around the world, to recognize, experience, and celebrate their oneness with all others who know Jesus as Saviour and Lord, regardless of denomination, church fellowship, or historic tradition


Is an Evangelical Outreach of a Pre-Denominational Assembly of Christians.

Perhaps, you may be asking, what is Pre-denominational Christianity?

Well, in the first century, there was only one church. Christians in different locations were united by a common faith, a common belief, and a common form of worship. There were churches in Jerusalem, Corinth, Rome, Ephesus, Antioch, and several other places. What separated them was geography — not different teachings. But that was then. . .

In the 21st Century, things are a lot different in the religious world. Now we have a variety of different churches, teachings, practices, and forms of worship. Did you know that the majority of denominations are less than 600 years old?

The Bible teaches that Jesus was only ever going to build (establish) one church: “. . . I will build My church,. . .” Matthew 16:18; and that He died to save only one church: “Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her” Ephesians 5:25. Quite clearly then not all the churches of today can be the one Jesus built. The implications of this are worthy of our deepest consideration.

The concept of pre-denominational or non-denominational Christianity is to do away with all the man-made teachings, creeds, and traditions that have developed over the years.

In other words, unless teaching or practice can be found in the Bible, don’t hold to it or teach it. By following this simple aim we can be the same as the followers of Jesus Christ, like those we read about in the pages of the New Testament.

Our original site has grown into a network of sites covering several different topics focusing on positive messages that will help people live, with the help of Jesus, hope-filled and courageous lives wherever they are.


Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES is maintained by a small, committed team, and many content contributors:

The Discovering A BETTER LIFE Team includes:

Ron Bainbridge: Itinerant Preacher, Operations Coordinator, and General Editor

Tom Reed: Program Manager, Audio and Sound Technician

Moya Bainbridge and Cynthia Hogsett — Secretarial & Collators

Daryl Edwards and Daniel Bainbridge --- Webmasters

Hazel & Newt Morton, Muriel Patterson, Philipp & Gaye Bailey --- Highly Valued Supporters

South Coast Albany Church of Christ -- 34 years of Financial & Prayerful Support

Southwest Amarillo Church of Christ --- 30 years  '' " " " "

Bethany Funeral Home, Albany, --- Inaugural Sponsor of our Discovering A BETTER LIFE messages, broadcast every Sunday, since 1996, on 100.9 FM Albany Great Southern Radio

Discovering A BETTER LIFE Radio Messages

Early in 1996, the Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES team was invited by the local Albany Community Radio Station 100.9 FM, to present a weekly Bible message. With the assistance and generosity of our Program Manager and audio technician, Tom Reed, we established a recording studio at his home. We pre-recorded our first radio message on July 29th, 1996.  This message went to air on Sunday morning, August 18th, 1996.  These 15-minute weekly messages were presented as Discovering A BETTER LIFE and are continuing to be broadcast in 2025.

Please click on the link below,

to hear one of our 15-minute Radio Messages:


     In 1997, our 30-minute program, known as A Cappella SONGS of INSPIRATION, commenced broadcasting on Sunday evenings from our local Albany Community Radio Station, 100.9 FM We give God the praise for providing us with an exciting opportunity to introduce A Cappella Praise and Worship songs into our community. The 15-minute and 30-minute programs, presented by Ron Bainbridge, are in a contemporary, easy listening style to reach the unchurched listener, by offering words of Gospel-centred hope, on a completely non-Denominational basis, to help people cope with the stresses of life.

         Some weeks after our A Cappella SONGS of INSPIRATION began broadcasting, we received a letter from Ian Hall who presents a program on Central Victorian Gospel Radio in which he wrote the following words, "Last week our friends the Ribe family, namely Yvette, passed on some of your tape ministry programs for us to listen to. I found on listening, a refreshing difference and a quality not matched by some of our broadcast material, including the A Cappella singing. I am writing to both thank you for your audio tape ministry and to ask permission to play the tapes on our radio station on an occasional basis to gauge listener response and to assist our program material. Whatever your response to my request, I thank you for your professional-quality production and message to the listening and learning audience. God bless your continued service. Thank you, Ian Hall." 

    We were happy to oblige this request and received positive responses to what was broadcast on Central Victorian Gospel Radio, for which we praise God!

In 2001, the Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES team was invited by the Albany Community Radio Station 100.9 FM   to present our 5-minute daily devotional program, (HEARTBEAT), which was broadcast from Monday through Friday each week. These 5-minute messages have been aimed to help listeners with personal or social problems. They offer words of encouragement and hope based on the gospel of Jesus Christ.HEARTBEAT

Developing a closer relationship with God!

To hear this message,

please click on the link below:

On May 23rd, 2018, we were privileged to team with the Community Radio 103.9 HOPE FM Station in Esperance, when its enthusiastic, dedicated team of volunteers agreed to broadcast our 15-minute Discovering A BETTER LIFE messages, which are dedicated to helping men and women find hope, meaning and purpose for a better life through a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.


As of June 21st, 2020, the Esperance Community Radio Station 103.9 HOPE FM, has regularly presented our 15-minute Discovering A BETTER LIFE messages each Sunday at 11 am and 11 pm We praise God for having afforded us this opportunity to share His Love with the people of Esperance and surrounding areas.

In September 2020, the Radio Great Southern Easy Listening 1611 AM Station commenced broadcasting our 15-minute Discovering A BETTER LIFE messages from Wagin in Western Australia on Sundays at 8.45 am and are replaying the messages on Tuesdays at 9.15 am  As this station is automated, it is possible to listen online, via the internet, and all mobile devices using this link  Again, we are thankful to God for this opportunity to share our messages, which are dedicated to helping men and women find hope, meaning, and purpose for thebetter life”, offered freely by Jesus Christ, to all who are willing to place their trust and hope in Him (John 10:10).

Contributing Authors

Friends, Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES would not function without the tremendous efforts of many individuals. Many generous contributors have been, singers, musicians, media and sound technicians, hosts, prayer warriors, teachers, and artists.  There are too many to try and name them all. Perhaps most notable among these are the talented authors who have contributed their writings, gospel music, and devotional readings to our publications.

We are extremely indebted to all the artists and designers who have provided Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES with inspirational images and gospel music. Each author's contact information is at the end of their respective articles, and if an article is meaningful to you, please take a moment to let them know.

Among those referred to above, along with numerous others, not mentioned, have been:

Marvin Phillips, Ron Durham, Dan Talbot, Landon Saunders, Randy Becton, Dr Larry Crabb, Mack Lyon. Each of these men has since gone on to be with our Lord!

Continuing to work alongside us today, are those mentioned below:

World Video Bible School - world video bible school videos


Andies Isle - 

During the past 36 years, Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES has produced and published a regular weekly column, providing encouragement and hope, appearing in up to 25 different secular newspapers throughout Australia.

Many responses are received from these articles each year and thousands of pieces of gospel literature have been mailed out throughout Australia, and all over the world. Hundreds of men and women have also enrolled in Bible Correspondence Courses, which has resulted in many people being taught about the transforming power of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Below, I have included a sample of the type of messages we have been privileged to share in the newspapers referred to above.

Ron Bainbridge,

Itinerant Preacher, Operations

Coordinator, and Editor of:

(Stories of (Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING


By entering into a personal

Relationship with Jesus Christ, Who has declared,

In this world, you will have trouble,

But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

(John 10:10; 14:1-6; 16:33; Acts 2:36-47)

Rebirth of the Human Heart!

Friends, some years ago, Philip Yancey told the story of a friend who went swimming in a large lake at dusk.

A thick fog unexpectedly rolled in across the waters and suddenly the swimmer could not see the horizon or landmarks. There were no objects or lights to be seen from the shore. For 30 minutes he splashed around in panic. First of all, he would start in one direction, then lose confidence and turn 90 degrees to the right, or left. It made no difference which way he turned! At times he could feel his heart beating uncontrollably. Then, he would stop and float, trying to conserve energy and force himself to breathe slower. Then he would blindly strike out again.

At last, he heard a faint voice calling from the shore. It was then, that he pointed his body toward the sounds and followed them to safety. Friend, this swimmer’s terrible predicament has all the marks of a personal parable, the story of being lost and our need to find God on some presently invisible shore. What is it that will assure us of rescue?

First, we must recognize our need for rescue! However, too many of us are like the swimmer I have mentioned, lost in the fog, trying desperately to sustain ourselves with our energies and confused about where to turn.

Philip Yancey’s friend was ripe for rescue because he understood his need with absolute clarity. Interestingly, when you study the lives of the greatest converts to Christianity, you see a common trait among them. They all felt an intense longing for something more in their lives.

C.S. Lewis called it a memory of a memory, the longing for belonging: “The hunger that is better than fullness; this poverty that is better than any other wealth.”\In many senses, it was relentless homesickness in the soul coupled with an awareness that there is something out there to satisfy this deep longing within us, an echo, a whisper of something just beyond our reach. C.S. Lewis and others like him were swimmers in the fog, listening for the call, longing for the shore.

Friend, spiritual transformation is the greatest wonder of the human soul. During my lifetime, which has spanned 87 years, I have seen the lifeless chrysalis yield a beautiful butterfly. I have seen the dull brown soil spring forth with radiant irises and tulips. But the greatest transformation I have ever witnessed is the rebirth of the human heart. Such a metamorphosis comes only to those who long for the shore, to those with listening hearts. As Earl Stanley Jones said, “It is the act of a moment and the work of a lifetime.”

Many people today are saying “This fog is all there is! We don’t see a shore! We hear nothing at all!” Sadly, such people suffer the peculiar blindness of those who see only the visible.

However, when we take the time to stop and listen, we discover that our loving God is relentlessly calling to each of us. He is reaching out to us in many ways. Therefore, if we want to be rescued from a burdened, stress-filled life that seems to have no purpose or inner peace, I encourage you to listen with your heart to the voice of God and follow the light that He has provided to lead each of us to safety.

The God we invite your heart to listen to is a Holy and Righteous, infinite Heavenly Father who has poured His grace on all of mankind. He has demonstrated His grace through His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Light of the world!”

Friend, if you would like help in obtaining a fresh look at God’s grace and authentic Christianity, we invite you to write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and ask for our FREE booklets titled The Relentless Love of God!” and How to find God.” Our address is: BETHANIE ON THE PARK, Unit 49/2 Plantation Street, Menora, Western Australia 6050   E-mail us at:

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

To Hear and View this Video,

Please click on the link below:


for almost 40 years,


have been engaged in an extensive media outreach,

using our website blog, and the Social Media Pages:

The primary aim of our website and social media posts is to make available messages of hope and encouragement that are published on our social media pages, radio programs, and numerous newspapers throughout Australia.

Our mission is to help people discover the awesome Grace, and relentless love of the living God, through whom each of us may find meaning and hope for A BETTER LIFE on earth, and in the life to come after our death.

We are fully committed to helping men and women find a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ so that they might live courageous lives in an insecure and discouraging world (John 10:10; 14:1-6; 16:33; Acts 2:36-47)

Lyrics - Sherry Anne

To hear and view this ~Video~ Please click on the link below

Friends, please feel free to on-share any or all, the Web-Links we are sharing with you if you think they will be useful in helping others grow in their Christian walk.



Bible Study

In 1985, the Discovering A BETTER LIFE Bible Study program was launched in Albany, Western Australia by a group of Pre-denominational Christians whose objective was to encourage a balanced, systematic study of the Bible.

These Christians understood that a feeling of security, which is basic to good mental health, is a matter of the spirit and not of physical things.

Since its establishment, Discovering A BETTER LIFE Bible Study Correspondence courses have helped many men and women throughout Australia, as well as many other places in the world, to experience a meaningful, personal relationship with God.

Many of our students have enjoyed and benefited from the knowledge that Christianity is a way of life that encourages joy, peace, contentment, happiness, hope, and faith. It is also a teaching religion whose foundation is based on the inspired word of God.

The proven, systematic study of the Bible offered through the Discovering A BETTER LIFE Bible Study program is a FREE public service that permits you to study the Bible in the privacy of your own home. It does not obligate you to become involved in organized religion and there is absolutely no charge for the materials you receive. Nor is there ever any solicitation for funds.

If you require greater inner peace and security in your life, Discovering A BETTER LIFE Bible Study will help you discover these qualities for yourself. Through our stimulating, true to the Bible, correspondence courses you will come to realize that authentic Christianity brings peace, not disturbances – contentment, not dissatisfaction.

ARE YOU racing through life and feeling empty inside?

DO YOU face struggles with stress at work?

DOES YOUR happiness depend on circumstances?

DO YOU worry a lot?

DOES YOUR marriage have problems?

DO YOU feel all alone?

DO YOU feel pressured to conform to society’s sex standards?

ARE YOU afraid to die?

Life doesn’t have to be this way! The meaning of your life must come from a reference outside yourself and the strength from a source greater than yourself. Your life must derive its meaning from a source that is unaffected by time, circumstances, failure, and even death. Only then are you free to truly live!

STUDY THE BIBLE BY MAIL - To help you find the meaning of your life, we encourage you to enroll in our FREE Bible correspondence courses.

To enroll in our FREE Home Bible Study, simply send us your request, along with your postal address, and we will then mail your first set of lessons.

Please enroll me in Discovering A Better Life Bible Study’s Correspondence School and send me free of charge the first set of lessons

NAME: ....................................................................................................

ADDRESS: ..............................................................................................

P/Code ..............................................................................



Unit 49/2 Plantation Street,

Menora, Western Australia 6050

Digging Deeper

into God's Word



Bible Study Links

Exploring the study of biblical

teaching, pieces of evidence, & ethics.

Friends, Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES, through teaming with a network of Pre-Denominational Christians, are privileged to make available to you the following Web Pages, that are suitable for people, all over the world, who desire to study the Bible in their native language.

We invite you to visit these Web Pages, sincerely hoping they will help you discover the real meaning of life, which is to be found in a personal relationship with Jesus, who said “I Came to give life—a life that is full and good” (John 10:10)

"He Will Be!"

To hear and view this ~Video~ Please click on the link below

The Story of Jesus

begins before He was born.

How can this be you ask?

The answer to this question is one of the most important

and profound disclosures ever made to humankind. John,

the fisherman, and follower of Jesus, put it this way:

"In the very beginning, before anything else

existed, the Word (Jesus) existed. The Word was

with God and the Word was God. All things were

made by Him. He was the creator of all things"

(John 1:1-3)

Does Jesus exist? Who is Jesus? Two-thousand years ago Jesus of Nazareth lived, walked and taught. Come Search Jesus and find the pieces of evidence for His existence and the proofs of His deity. The short videos in this program will stimulate your desire to learn about Jesus and to share this message with others.

Please Click on The Link Below:

Of Non-Denominational

Churches of Christ

In Western Australia

A church that discovers together
A church that discovers together

Building Communities Worldwide

We are committed to multiplying disciples and churches everywhere for Jesus.

We take Jesus’ command to “Go make disciples!” seriously, considering His final command to be our priority. We understand that God’s vision and mission is Global, Local and Personal. We understand that it’s for every nation, every tribe, every people and every language.

The Bible Discovery Sword Method

City Beach Church of Christ

Bunbury Church of Christ


Of Non-Denominational Churches of Christ


Worship is live-streamed on our YouTube channel each Sunday at 9:30, and it will also be posted here.

Please click on the link below:

We hope you'll join us online

Watch Our Most Recent Worship Service : 


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Please click on the link below:

Searching For Truth was produced with the thought in mind of the great film-strips of the past that did so much good in teaching the Gospel. This program is designed to teach the viewer what one needs to know to become an Authentic Christian. The program includes approximately 4 hours of teaching material in six videos. This program was written and hosted by John Moore and is intended for use by Christians to aid in their responsibility to spread the Gospel and teach the lost. This product can be used with a friend, relative, co-worker, neighbour, visitor, and/or anyone who can understand the material.

Please click on the link below:

Free - Comprehensive - Online - Bible Courses

The WVBS Online Bible School curriculum covers every book of the Bible, plus a handful of additional subjects. All courses are studied at your own pace, on your schedule, with no official start time, end time, or duration.

Please click on the link below:

Africa International Missions

Please click on the link below:


Africa International Missions is about:

(1) encouraging the study of the word of God.

(2) providing valuable Bible study materials for diligent Bible students.

Friends, we seek to encourage everyone to interact with us through the blog page. And, we ask for your help with the website. We invite you to do three things:

(1) Tell others about the site.

(2) Feel free to download any of the materials

on the website, for your studies.

Free Online Bible Commentaries

Finding a personal relationship with Jesus!

Helping you move closer to God




Please click on the link below:

Free Online Bible Studies,

Guides and Lessons

Study the gospel of Jesus Christ, as your guide to authentic Christianity

Free Bible studies, gospel lessons, study aids, resources, workbooks, printed publications, audio, and video recorded sermons, and articles

Please click on the links below:

World English Institute

FREE: English Lessons

IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH- Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking

1 Study on this website at your own pace

2 You will have a personal teacher

3 Absolutely no cost

The World English Institute Bible lessons will help you improve your English skills.

All you need is Internet access and an email address where we can send the lessons. Each grammar lesson is illustrated with reading assignments taken from the Easy-to-Read English Version of the Bible.

Please click on the link below:

Please click on the link below:

Wineskins is a community of people seeking to deepen our faith, challenge our beliefs, & grow in our love for God, neighbour, and self. At Wineskins, no stone goes unturned and no sacred cow is safe. All of this is done in a spirit of love and care. Make yourself at home.

Ask any questions you may have - you are safe here! My name is Matt Dabbs. I am married to Missy. We have two boys: Jonah and Elijah. My education started in clinical & health psychology in Florida and then in ministry. I have a Master's of divinity. My wife and I have ministered in Memphis, St Pete, FL, Bakersfield, CA, and now Auburn, AL where we are planting a church called Backyard Church.

Please click on the links below:

Please click on the link below:

Watch the Bible

Come Alive,

With Faithlife TV Plus

Please click on the link below:

Christianity for Beginners

Please click on the link below:

Baptism is Beautiful

Please click on the link below:

Francis Chan - Baptism

Please click on the link below:

Friends, for those who are unable to visit or worship with fellow Christians, due to illness, frailty, or other reasons, HEARTLIGHT, ToGather weekly worship is a worship resource that provides structure, videos, formatting, ideas, and YouTube songs with lyrics for home-based worship.

HEARTLIGHT, ToGather weekly worship segment is ideal for groups, families, and individuals.

Friends, this approach to a worship experience is based on Jesus' promise: "For where two or three gather together as my followers [in my name], I am there among them." (Matthew 18:20 NLT)

Please click on the link below:

Please click on the links below:

Please click on the links below:

Hope & Help

For Troubled Times

Please click on the link below:

Embracing Grief

With Hope and Promise

Please click on the link below:

For further information,

Please contact:



Unit 49/2 Plantation Street,

Menora, Western Australia 6050

+61 0456-538-006

Creation Calls!

Stunning video glorifying God's magnificent creation!

To Hear and View this Video,

Please click on the link below:



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© Ron Bainbridge

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