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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

Dedicated to providing Spiritual FOOD FOR THOUGHT

To HELP Men and Women Find HOPE


(Ron Bainbridge, Editor)

(January 24th, 2020)


“She believed in me!”

Friends, that’s what Henry Ward Beecher said about a teacher who taught only one year in the rural primary school he attended. Her belief in him put his feet on the path to greatness. He said she was responsibly for whatever success he had achieved.

When you stop and think about it, that’s a common ingredient in the lives of most people who succeed. Someone believed in them. Perhaps it was a parent, or grandparent, or teacher, or friend. You can guarantee it was someone!

Friend, encouragement may be a one-time gift, but if often pays life-time dividends. It did for Stanley Mooneyham!

Stanley was born a few years before the Depression, the seventh child of a share farmer who could barely write his name. He wore hand-me-down clothes, took biscuits and fried sweet potatoes to school for lunch, and stood in food lines with his mother for government handouts to poor families.

This painful partnership with poverty produced a miserably low self-image in Stanley, which resulted in a speech stammer so severe that he couldn’t write his answers on the blackboard.

During this black period of his life, Mrs. Beasley, the Shire Superintendent of Schools showed special interest in Stanley. Periodically, she would tell his teacher to have him come by her office after school. He lived for those visits and was greatly encouraged by them because Mrs. Beasley believed in him.

Since his stammer made oral communication torturous, Stanley decided to become a writer. One day he shoved a few pages of his work in front of Mrs. Beasley. She read what he had placed in front of her, and gushed! “Stanley, you are going to be a writer, this is good!” And she meant it. Then she went on to say, “Now you keep on writing, you hear? I want to put your books on my shelf.”

Unfortunately Mrs. Beasley didn’t live long enough to put Stanley’s books on her shelf, but the thing that kept him writing through enough rejection slips to paper your lounge room wall was that Mrs. Beasley believed he was a writer. The publishers might not think so, but Mrs. Beasley did – she believed him!

Today, Dr. Stanley Mooneyham’s name is on the covers of dozens of books. “Every one of them,” he says, “is a tribute to a woman who believed in a little kid who was too shy and too scared not too believe in himself.”

Friend, perhaps even as you are reading what I’ve written, you’re feeling a little down-and-out, having a hard time living today and facing tomorrow, plagued by your past or your pain and experiencing low self-esteem, as well as being insecure. You may have even given up on yourself. I hope not. Because Jesus won’t – He believes in you!

He loves you – and he will never give up on you! --- Never? --- NEVER!

Friend, if you’re struggling with your life today, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, I’m going to encourage you to let Jesus help. He wants to. He can. He will. That is, if you’ll let Him. — The choice is yours!

If you would like to know more about what help Jesus can provide you, we invite you to write for our two FREE booklets titled “Who is this Jesus?” and “THE Relentless Love of God.”

Our address is: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P. O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331. Telephone us on: 98 418 418 Email us at:

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Please Click on the link above to see and hear the ~Video~

A personal favorite of mine I hope you will be blessed by the song and video



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© Ron Bainbridge

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