Dear Facebook Friends, Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES has recently relocated our Office and Distribution centre to Kendenup, Western Australia.
We thank God for each of you who have requested Bible Correspondence Courses, the booklets we have made available and the Electronic Biblical Resources you have requested in order to strengthen your faith and equip you to teach others the wonderful message of Salvation, Hope, Peace, and Purpose which comes through a completely, committed relationship with Jesus Christ.
We are also grateful and humbled by those of you who have requested to team with us in sharing God’s Grace and Love, through your on-sharing of our Daily Messages and the Biblical Resources we FREELY make available to you.
On behalf of the DISCOVERING A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES Team, I pray that our Loving Father in Heaven will bless each of you with His Grace, Wisdom, Love, Peace, Hope, and Power in all He is leading you to do.

Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10)
(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (February 27th, 2020)
In the Old Testament book of Job, chapter 14, verse 19,we read these words, “Water wears away stones.” That truth gave Spain one of her greatest teachers. As a boy, Isadore of Seville found his lessons hard to learn. Study was drudgery. He hated it. So he ran away from school.
The day was terribly hot, so Isadore sat down to rest beside a small stream that trickled over a rock. He was intrigued as he watched the water fall—drip, drip, drip—one tiny drop at a time. He was amazed to see how those little drops had worn away a large stone.
That particular event was to transform Isadore’s life, because he decided then and there that he had given up on his studies too soon. So he returned to his school desk. From that time on, diligent application overcame his dullness and he became one of the finest scholars of his day.
Isadore never forgot those drops of water—drip, drip, drip—as they fell on that rock and conquered it. His biographer wrote, “Those drops of water gave to Spain a brilliant historian.”
The water always wins! It’s an amazing thing! Water seems so soft, so yielding. Rocks seem so strong, so impregnable. But the water always wins!
Erosion is one of the most striking phenomena in nature. For instance, a small, trickling stream cuts through a huge hill and, over a period of time, produces a deep, winding valley. Water constantly flowing over granite will smooth the hard stone and wear it away, eventually eating its course through solid cliffs.

Friend, persistence is essential to success. Therefore, when you are faced with difficulties in your life, don’t give up! Keep on keeping on. And remember, “Water wears away stones!”

I sincerely hope this short message you have just read today might help you to find and enjoy a better life. In reality, the only thing that can keep you and me on top of life is to keep on keeping on with purpose---wholehearted devotion to a work that you really believe is worthy of your effort. If you have this power of purpose no obstacle can stop you, no criticism can defeat you, and no discouragement can divert you.
However, if you are at present feeling disappointed with your life and wondering if life has meaning, I’d like to remind you of this wonderful truth, “You were created for a purpose. Your life has incredible value. And if you are a completely committed follower of Jesus, then ,your destiny is to become part of an exciting and endless future---a world without sin. The world we are living in at present has many good qualities, but it is a fallen world, the best is yet to come!”
If you would like to receive a Free booklet that will help you to keep on keeping on with a purpose that is guaranteed to dramatically transform your life, please write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540 and ask for: “THE POWER OF PURPOSE.”
Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Or Email us at:
“Love is our true destiny.
We do not find the meaning of life
By ourselves alone
We find it with another.”
(Thomas Merton)
Friend, if you would like to read more human interest stories, we invite you to visit our Website Blog at:

"The Way of Suffering"
To hear and View this ~Video~ Please click on the Link below The greatest LOVE of all