Keep Your HOPE Alive!
Updated: Dec 23, 2024

HELPING PEOPLE FIND HOPE (Ron Bainbridge, Editor)
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)
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Keep Your HOPE Alive!
Friend, as you and I enter this New Year of 2022, I’d like to encourage each of you, no matter how difficult last year may have been, to keep your HOPE alive. The reason I say this, is because, Hope is a gift waiting for all who have—a powerful wish for life to be better than it is, the imagination to look beyond the bad that is to the good that can be, and the faith to believe that the good they imagine and wish for is possible.
Hope is an amazing, God-given gift. It fuels your dreams, lightens your spirits, and lifts your despair. And when your life becomes a battlefield, hope digs in and fights the good fight.
To help you understand what I’ve just said, let me take your mind back to one early evening as the dusk darkened the always-shadowed Sistine Chapel, when Michelangelo, weary, sore, and doubtful, climbed down the ladder from his scaffolding where he’d been lying on his back since dawn painting the chapel ceiling. After eating dinner alone, he wrote a sonnet to his aching body. The last line, was “… I am no painter!”
However, when the sun shone again, Michelangelo got up from his bed, climbed back up on his scaffold, and laboured another day on his magnificent vision of the Creator at work on His brand-new world. What pushed him up the ladder? Could it have been anything, but a hope born again from a night’s rest, a hope just strong enough to keep the doubts in check for another day, a hope that became the energy to paint his greatest picture of all he had done?
Hope – what promise that word holds! From prompting Michelangelo to pick up his paintbrush to energizing you and me to stand strong during the struggle, hope is God’s life-giving gift to each of us.
During the cold war in Czechoslovakia, Vaclav Havel spent half of his days in jail and half of them at a menial job in a state brewery. All the while, however, he was the poet of hope for the Czech people.
Finally, the wall came down. Czechoslovakia became a free republic, and Havel became its first president. Later, he was asked how he kept going during those decades of despair. “I’m not an optimist,” he said, “I am a person of hope. . .. I cannot imagine that I would strive for anything if I did not carry hope in me.”
Yes, the power to strive! But hope also gives people the power simply to endure. “How come,” asks Jewish philosopher Emil Fackenheim, “Jews are still around after thousands of years, most of them in exile, often persecuted, and sometimes all but annihilated? “There is only one answer,” he insists, “and that answer is hope!”
Friend, as mentioned earlier, as you enter this year of 2022, I encourage you to remember, “. . . Hope is the energy to strive for what we hope for. And we keep striving as long as we keep hoping. If you lose hope, you lose desire, you lose your dream, you lose your faith, and you lose your inner power to strive for the better future you can imagine but cannot control.”Therefore, no matter what life brings to you this year my friend, I’m encouraging you to remember that God’s hope and comfort can sustain you. Therefore, keep your hope alive!
"When the tide of life turns against you and the current
upsets your boat, don't waste your tears on what might
have been, just turn on your back and float."
Your friends, Ron, Moya,
and the Discovering A BETTER LIFE Ministries Team
(Philippians 1:3-4).

Friend, if you would like to know more about Jesus, the Prince of Peace, please write to us with your request for our FREE booklet titled “Who is this Jesus?”

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