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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places

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People Find PEACE and HOPE

(John 10:10)

(Ron Bainbridge, Editor) (February 21st, 2020)


Friend, there are times when we all need to be alone. Or, as some people might say, “have some space”. But for most of us the times of greatest happiness and meaning are shared moments, moments when we feel that someone’s heart beats with ours. So that’s what I want to share with you today, the fact that no matter what is happening in your life at present, Jesus knows exactly how you feel!

Some years ago I read where a young boy went into a pet-shop looking for a puppy. The shop owner showed him a box of new-born puppies, and for a long while the boy just looked at the dogs. Then he picked each one up, examined them and put them back in the box.

After several minutes, he walked back to the owner and said, “I picked one out. How much do they cost?” After the man had told him the price, the boy promised to be back in a few days with the money. “Don’t take too long,” the owner cautioned, “because puppies like this sell quickly.” When he heard this, the boy turned around, and with a knowing smile said, “I’m not worried. Mine will still be here.”

After the boy left the pet-shop, he went to work mowing lawns and cleaning yards. He worked hard and saved his money and after a few weeks he had saved enough money to buy the dog. He then returned to the pet-shop, walked up to the counter and placed a pocket full of crumpled notes on the top of it.

Then the shop owner sorted and counted the cash, confirming that it was the correct amount. He then smiled at the boy and said, “All right son you can choose your puppy now.”

Upon hearing what the shop owner said, the young boy walked over, reached into the back of the box and pulled out a skinny dog with a lame leg and started to leave.

When shop owner saw that the boy was leaving with the skinny dog who had a lame leg, he stopped him and said, “Don’t take that dog, he’s crippled. He’ll never run with you. He can’t fetch a ball. He can’t play. Why don’t you get one of the healthy dogs?”

Upon hearing what the shop owner said to him, the boy replied, “No thank you, this is exactly the kind of dog I’ve been looking for.” And as the boy turned to leave, the shop owner started to speak again, but then he became silent. Suddenly he understood! Because extending from the bottom of the boy’s trousers was a brace—a brace for the young boy’s crippled leg.

Scorn Not His Simplicity

“See the child With the golden hair Yet eyes that show the emptiness inside Do we know Can we understand just how he feels Or have we really tried See him now As he stands alone And watches children play a children's game Simple child He looks almost like the others Yet they know he's not the same Scorn not his simplicity But rather try to love him all the more Scorn not his simplicity Oh no Oh no See him stare Not recognizing the kind face That only yesterday he loved The loving face Of a mother who can't understand what she's been guilty of How she cried, tears of happiness the day the doctor told her it's a boy Now she cries tears of helplessness and thinks of all the things he can't enjoy Scorn not his simplicity But rather try to love him all the more Scorn not his simplicity Oh no Oh no Only he knows how to face the future hopefully Surrounded by despair He won't ask for your pity or your sympathy But surely you should care Scorn not his simplicity But rather try to love him all the more Scorn not his simplicity Oh no Oh no Oh no!”

Friend, if we were to ask the question, why did the boy want that dog? I think the answer would have to be, because he knew how it felt. And he knew it was very special!

Today, I want you to think about this story for a moment. And then ask yourself, what did Jesus know that enabled Him to love people as He did? The answer is very simple! You see, Jesus knew how the people He met felt and He knew they were special. I hope you never forget that Jesus knows how you feel!

Perhaps, right now, you’re under pressure at work? Well, Jesus knows how you feel. Perhaps you’ve got more to do than is humanly possible? The truth is so did Jesus. It may be that you have children who make a chaos out of your dinner hour? So did Jesus. Or perhaps people take more from you than they give?

Well, Jesus understands, because that’s exactly what happened to Him during His life on earth. Perhaps your teenagers won’t listen to you? Or your students won’t try? Or it may be that your employees give you blank stares when you tell them what you want done? Believe me friend Jesus knows exactly how you feel!

The wonderful truth is, that you are very precious to Him! So precious, that He became like you so that you would come to Him because He, and He alone, offers salvation and hope for a better life on earth, and ultimately, an eternal life where there is no more pain, suffering, or death! And, just like the young boy in the story I shared with you earlier, Jesus picked you out. And, just like that young boy, Jesus paid a great price to bring you home to His Father in Heaven!

Friend, many of life’s burdens are too heavy for us to carry. But when Jesus takes hold of our life, the burden becomes light enough to handle. Amazingly, He offers each of us His friendship. A friendship which makes every burden bearable, as He brings us into a wonderful relationship with our loving heavenly Father!

Perhaps, having read what I have been privileged to share with you today, you’re saying to yourself, “I genuinely desire to have a deeper friendship with Jesus.” If so, we invite you to accept our FREE booklet titled, Need a Friend?”

This booklet is yours for the asking. Just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331. You can also request your booklet by telephoning us on: 98 418 418. Or E-mail us at:

"No-one is useless in the world,

Who lightens the burden

Of it for anyone else!"

Charles Dickens(1812 - 1870)

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“When you ask God for a gift, be thankful if He sends not diamonds, pearls, or riches, but the love of real true friends.”



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© Ron Bainbridge

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