Learning To Live Without Fear!
Friend, in a world too often filled with bad news, the primary Mission of Discovering a BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES, is in sharing the “Good News” that God seeks from us, not an inherited "hand-me-down" religion, but rather, a strong faith in Him, that we "own" personally!
This faith I am referring to, is one which will enable us, throughout our lifetime, to answer emphatically in the affirmative the question, "God Are You Really There?"
Friend, it is indeed a comfort to know, from His inspired word, (The Bible), that God, (in whose image we have been created), by His grace has enabled men and women to enter into an intimate, personal relationship with Himself, through what Jesus Christ accomplished by His death, burial, and resurrection.
This is the wonderful reality that we treasure and enjoy by trusting that it is true
(2 Corinthians 5:17).

Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering a BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10)
(March 28th, 2020)
Learning To Live Without Fear!
Friend, the Chinese symbol for “Crisis” is made up of two characters… One is for “Danger!” The other is “Opportunity!”
Right now, because of COVID-19, the entire world is in “Crisis!”
However, as frightening as that can be at times… we are also faced with an enormously potent opportunity to break free from stagnant, limiting patterns of thought, behaviour and results, and take massive leaps of growth in our lives!
Today Friend, I’d like to share with you about “Learning to live without fear!” And I’d like to commence with a quotation from Charles Dickens, where he says: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of disbelief, it was the season of light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of Hope, it was the winter of Despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us….”
Friend, Charles Dickens’ classic description was as accurately applied to the England of 1859 when he wrote, as was to the London and Paris of 1775, when the story began. -- In fact, those words have a frightening, contemporary application, because they fit almost any place, any people, any time.
For instance, the City of Perth, Western Australia, where I was born and raised has, in this 21st Century, along with many other Cities of the world, in certain suburbs, become almost paralyzed with FEAR!
In fact, even before the current FEAR that is being generated by the COVID-19 Virus, there has been the FEAR that has been generated by home invasions and violent attacks against its senior citizens.
It is a FEAR that has been created as a result of drug abuse, binge drinking, prosperity without purpose, burglary, assault, rape, murder—every violent act you can think of.
Sadly, even the FEAR of such violence, as I have mentioned, leaves its mark on the mind and in the lives of many people.
Unfortunately, the mindless violence that is assailing our major Cities is also spreading to some of our rural towns and many of our elderly people no longer feel safe walking down their streets or in their own homes.
The question is, how do we learn to live WITHOUT FEAR, when a reign of TERROR is gripping all kinds of people in all kinds of Cities and Towns all over the world?
Friend, it is a fact, that today in many cities and towns throughout the world, people are installing elaborate security systems. Bars are being placed on windows. Sensor lights and automatic garage door openers are being installed.
Alongside of this, because of the numerous unsolved murders in our communities, families are extremely uneasy about travelling in their cars late at night. In spite of all this, I wouldn’t go so far as to characterize people having total FEAR, but I would say that many are totally cautious.
From my observation, many of our senior citizens have become especially vulnerable. Some can no longer drive, so they are forced to walk or ride in public transportation and they have very little protection. And many of these defenseless, frail people are being attacked, beaten, raped and robbed. -- It is no small wonder then, that recent opinion polls depict Australians as experiencing increasing FEAR!
Unfortunately, FEAR has become a way of life for far too many of us! – However, some of this must be attributed to our News Media, which has groomed us to feed on FEAR-producing events. So they continually fill their reports with sensationalistic, negative, violent and unhappy things.
However friend, although FEAR is widespread, its presence is not as much the issue. What is most important is HOW ARE WE TO LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THESE FEARS?
In actuality, not all FEAR is negative. – In fact, it’s only natural that we should take precautions to protect ourselves from danger. So, we lock doors, and we’re alert to danger for our families and for our neighbourhood. We insist on adequate police protection and swift, firm action by our court system. All this is natural!
However, physical precautions alone offer us very flimsy protection! REAL SECURITY can only come from knowing and obeying God.
This is why the apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 3:13-14 the following words, “If you are trying hard to do good, no one can really hurt you. But even if you suffer for doing right, you are blessed. Don’t be afraid of what they FEAR; do not dread those things.”
In the Book of Romans 8:31, the apostle Paul, with great confidence says, “If God is with us, no one can defeat us!”
Friend, this confidence, in the face of DANGER, can be OURS if we embrace the love and grace of God. – Because as the apostle Paul writes in Romans 8:28, “We know that to those who love God, who are called according to His plan, everything that happens fits into a pattern for good."
In 1 Peter 5:6-7, Peter writes: “If you will humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, in His good time He will lift you up. Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.”
What Peter reveals to us in those words, is the fact that God is able and willing to bless us according to His own timing. Peter also reminds, that regardless of present circumstances, and in His good time—either in this life or in the next—God will lift you up!
Friend, letting God have our worries and fears is active, not passive. Therefore, we are encouraged not to submit to circumstances, but to the Lord who controls circumstances.
You see, friend, when we trustingly love God and hand over all our worries to Him and are able to accept that He is lovingly caring for us and calming our FEARS, it is then that we are ready to take OUR stand for God, for righteousness, for decency, for morality, and for law and order in our world.

Friend, I am firmly convinced that the reason we have so many sources of FEAR in our world today, is that the forces of LIGHT are not standing against DARKNESS, which is why we’re losing the battle against the forces of EVIL.
In all reality, the battle for safety in our world is actually a spiritual battle. – But it’s important for us to understand that men and women cannot be forced to be good.
The only hope for change in our communities must come from within the hearts of men and women. – In fact, every move away from God is a move toward evil, and all the lawlessness that we are currently experiencing in our society. And the reason I say this, is because I am of the firm opinion that we are dealing with a society in which the awareness of God is fading.
Friend, I also believe that every criminal or potential criminal, who will submit to the influence of Jesus Christ WILL be changed. – Therefore, our HOPE must be for each of us who believe and trust in Jesus, that we must care enough to take our stand publicly as believers, as decent moral, law-abiding people, and use our influence to turn community thought and action back to a loving gracious God.
In essence, each of us must see ourselves as a committee of ONE to change what we can. – After all, isn’t this what Jesus Himself encouraged His followers to do? We find those words of encouragement recorded in Matthew 5:14-16, where Jesus said, “You are the world’s light—a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father.”
What Jesus is communicating to us today through those words, is the fact that Christians who live after Godly principles are a light that brings hope to a world that is lost in darkness!
From my own personal observation, of our present predicament concerning the FEAR that is gripping all kinds of people in many Cities and towns throughout Australia and all over this fear-filled world, is that TOO many good people are behind locked doors having fellowship with other good people and praying for God to send a solution to our problems.
The truth is, God’s people need to realize that they are the solution. -- And that THEY must take THEIR place in the community and wield the influence for GOOD that salt and light are obliged to yield. – In a sense, each of us who claim to be Christians must pray as if everything depends upon God and then get up from our prayers to work for a better community, as if everything depends upon us!
Friend, we who profess to be Christians are not to spend OUR lives grovelling in FEAR. – The much loved 23rd Psalm assures us that with the Lord as OUR shepherd, there should be no FEAR or want in our lives. -- And then, in the New Testament Book of Hebrews, there is rich teaching that will help us to overcome FEAR. For instance, in Hebrews 2:15 we read where Jesus “Freed those who were like slaves all their lives because of their FEAR of death.”
All those Bible heroes who are listed in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews lived in circumstances as filled with FEAR-producing elements as any we must face today. – However, they overcame their FEARS through FAITH, and each of us can too!
In fact, FAITH is an essential ingredient in victoriously confronting the difficult days we are living in.
Friend, one of the primary purposes behind our Discovering A BETTER LIFE messages, that we feel privileged to share with you each day on our Facebook site, is to help our readers find a deeper FAITH in God, in Jesus Christ, and in the Bible.
For each Person who may be reading our message today, we sincerely hope that YOU will make every effort to develop a strong FAITH, as well as the COURAGE to live by that FAITH.
FAITH works! - Just take a look back across the centuries and see how FAITH has worked in the lives of thousands of men and women; how people have been changed and strengthened through their FAITH in God through committing their lives to Jesus Christ, who has forgiven them of their sins and provided them with the power to live by His Holy Spirit, and a provided them with a purpose in life that will transcend fear and death.
In fact, it is really incredible what men and women have been able to accomplish because of their FAITH. – FAITH made them different! – FAITH made them victorious over FEAR!
Friend, if you really want to live YOUR life without FEAR, we invite YOU to place YOUR FAITH in the living and gracious God (John 3:16-17; Galatians 3:26-28; Romans 6:3-4).
Thank you Friend, for taking the time to read this message from Discovering A BETTER LIFE today.
If you would like us to send you two FREE booklets to help you develop the kind of FAITH that will enable YOU to experience peace of mind in a FEAR-filled world, just write to us and ask for: “HOW TO OVERCOME FEAR” and “WHERE TROUBLE CAN’T HURT YOU.”
Our Mailing address is: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331. Phone us on: 98 418 418 or Email us at: abl-alb@omninet.net.au
And yes, you are permitted—in fact, encouraged—to pass along any of these messages to those you feel will benefit from them. Just click on the “Forward to a Friend” button.
Your participation in this way makes this “our” ministry instead of “my” ministry.
If you find anything here that brings you, or those with whom you share these messages, into a closer relationship with the Lord, I praise God and thank Him for permitting our paths to cross.
Thank you for taking the time to read today’s message. We hope you will visit us again.
Ron Bainbridge
Co-ordinator of:
