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Allow me to INTRODUCE you to JESUS!

Updated: Jan 6

(JOHN 10:10; 14:1-6)

Friend, in a world too often filled with bad news, the primary desire of Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES, is to share the Good News”, that a loving God has made it possible for everyone to enter a personal relationship with Himself through death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We treasure and enjoy this wonderful reality by trusting it to be true (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of: Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

They provide


To HELP Men and Women Find SALVATION and HOPE

By embracing GOD’S GRACE and LOVE!

Allow me to INTRODUCE you to JESUS!

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Friend, over two thousand years ago a man was born, who changed the course of history forever! This man was born in Bethlehem in the land of Judah and grew up in the City of Nazareth. He was a man who was the most challenging, compelling personality that has ever lived on the face of this earth. His name was Jesus!

Today, (in the 21st century), Jesus is a name that is familiar to us all, even if only as a swear word. However, there are millions of people from all over the world, (and from all walks of life), who believe in Him. – In fact, many claim that He has radically changed their lives. But who is He? - Who is this Jesus?

Friend, the reason I have asked that question today, is because there is no more important question facing humanity. However, each of us must answer this question for ourselves. You see, our view of the future, of history, of our environment, of peace and of war, of our fellow man, and even of ourselves depends on the answer we give to the question of Who is this Jesus?”

History records that Jesus was a humble carpenter, who became an itinerant preacher. He was a man who never travelled more than 100 kilometres from the place where He was born. He never visited the exciting, glamorous world outside His own country. He never saw any of the sights that were so important to the secular world of His day.

Sights such as the glistening temples of Athens: with the Parthenon on the Acropolis holding the golden statue of Athena. He never saw Rome—with its impressive forum, colosseum, and theatres. He never saw the spectacular city of Ephesus or the marble, pillar-lined streets of Alexandria! –Jesus saw none of these!

All Jesus saw, was lonely, hurting, sick, depressed, fearful people who were harassed, helpless, troubled, and confused, not knowing which way to turn, and with no sense of direction.

In a real sense, Jesus saw these people “like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:34). And their helpless state moved Him to great compassion!

As Jesus walked on this earth, He made it known to all these struggling people that He had come from heaven for them to “have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of” (John 10:10). He saw every problem known to mankind as a possibility in disguise.

Sickness was an opportunity for healing.

Sin was an opportunity for forgiveness.

Sorrow was an opportunity for compassion.

Friend, to Jesus, every person was a gold mine of undiscovered possibilities!

Peter was a tough-talking fisherman: yet it was to this man that Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

Mary Magdalene was a common prostitute: But Jesus believed she could become a sensitive, sweet soul. She could one day anoint His body for burial, which she did!

Matthew was a vulgar materialist: But Jesus believed Matthew could become a great writer. And Matthew did! -- In fact, he wrote the first book in the New Testament!

Friend, when we come to know who Jesus is and what His purpose for being upon this earth was, we are not left to wonder why He had such a compassionate heart for the outcast, hurting people of humanity!

History also records that Jesus never married or owned a home. He never wrote a book and was not an intimate friend of men with power and influence.

Jesus was not part of any human organization. Though He never did any of the things that usually accompany greatness, huge crowds of people followed Him wherever He went. Jesus had no credentials but Himself, other than the naked power of His divine manhood.

It is also on record that those people who followed Jesus were men and women with broken speech, rough hands, and cracked fingernails. They were unpolished, uneducated and, (as far as the world was concerned), ignorant failures.

In many ways, and at critical times, many followers of Jesus proved to be unstable, uncertain, undependable, and disappointing. Because of this, Jesus experienced ingratitude, rejection, and misunderstanding.

Many of His friends ran away toward the end of His life on Earth One of His hand-picked disciples denied Him, and another betrayed Him, which ultimately resulted in Jesus being turned over to His enemies and being subjected to the mockery of a trial, where He was sentenced to death, as a convicted criminal, on a cross between two thieves.

Following the pronouncement of His death, His body was laid in a borrowed grave, which a compassionate friend provided.

Miraculously, this man, Jesus, three days later, arose from the dead! —Living proof, that He was, as He had claimed, the Saviour whom God had sent into this world, the Incarnate Son of God!

Friend, when Jesus came to this earth, He deliberately stripped Himself of His divine rights and privileges to cross the unthinkable chasm between God and man.

Regarding this, please try and imagine the span of that chasm…. The unlimited God, becoming a limited man…. You see, Jesus Christ was God in the flesh! -- From the world’s point of view, Jesus had descended as low as a man could go. -- And His death on the cross, as a convicted criminal, was His final downward step.

From heaven’s viewpoint, it was the deepest descent of all: -- from sinless, to sin-stained…. Truly, He could go no lower!

However, the wonderful truth is that Jesus knowingly and actively embraced a life of giving, serving, losing, and dying, in order that mankind might live in the HOPE of everlasting life with the living God throughout eternity. And this HOPE is truly vindicated in the knowledge we have today, that God raised the dead body of Jesus back to life again three days after it had been buried in a borrowed grave!

For What Earthly Reason?

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Friend, I sincerely hope, that what we have shared with each of you reading this message today, might have helped you to break down some of the misconceptions you may have about Jesus. I also hope that you may have been helped to understand, that all you’re looking for, to experience true meaning and purpose in life, can be found in a personal relationship with Jesus.

The Jesus who came from heaven into this broken world, to make it possible for each of us who live here on earth to understand that God exists, that our life goes on beyond death, and that heaven is for real!

I also hope that you might have come to the understanding, that it is the wonderful love of God, which has motivated Him to send Jesus Christ from heaven, so that whoever among us is willing to place our faith and trust in His remarkable life on earth, His death, burial, and resurrection might experience a better life on this earth, along with the eternal life that was promised by Jesus before He ascended into heaven (John 14:1-3).

Friend, perhaps you have been reading this message today, yet still questioning in your mind Who is this Jesus?” – Well, if that is your question, we encourage you to write to: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, Unit 49/2 Plantation Street, Menora, Western Australia 6050 and ask for our FREE booklet titled, Who is this Jesus?” Email:

Ron Bainbridge

Coordinator of:

Heavenward Bound!

Friend, our lives are filled with joy and sorrow,

challenges and change, which are all linked to

growing up and growing old. However, the

inevitable conclusion to life’s exciting

journey is not necessarily the

termination of the human

spirit and a plot in the

local cemetery!

Friend, for all who place their faith and trust in Jesus,

there is a spiritual realm where our immortal

soul resides when our mortal body dies!

This spiritual realm is Heaven, where

God is waiting to receive all His people!

The Joy of Heaven

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