Updated: Oct 28, 2020


(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)
Are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10)

October 28th, 2020
Friends, during the Second World War, Victor Frankl, as a young Austrian doctor, found himself in terrorizing circumstances, when along with his young bride, his parents, and his brother, was arrested, stripped of everything he held precious, and taken to the concentration camp at Auschwitz.
In the early days of his imprisonment Frankl kept his mind alert by trying to reconstruct the manuscript he'd been writing prior to his arrest. Firstly, recalling it word for word in his mind, and then writing it down on stolen slips of paper. And in doing this, Victor Frankl realized that his effort to complete this task gave him purpose, a reason for holding on to a vision of the future.
Later, when during a particularly gruelling pre-dawn march, another prisoner commented on the fate of their wives, Frankl took comfort in the knowledge that, as long as his memory of his wife remained, he could keep her present with him.
Knowing his wife might already be dead, Victor accepted the possibility, and then told himself that as long as he could keep her in his mind, she would remain alive to him.
Sometime later, Victor Frankl was to write, that it was in that moment that, "I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss."
In fact, it would be his discovery that meaningfulness can be found in suffering that would most impress Victor Frankl and lead to his life's work. Years later he wrote, "Everything can be taken from a man or a woman, except one thing: which is the last of human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, that is, to choose one's own way."

Friend, Victor Frankl survived the Holocaust because he simply would not give up, even when everything in each circumstance he faced screamed out, that giving up was the only option. He chose his own way, willingly assuming total responsibility for his life, refusing to step into victim mode by blaming God, nature or human cruelty for what had befallen him.
You know, when we really stop to think about it, there are obviously certain things in life that you and I can't control. Things such as; nature, the past and other people! Victor Frankl understood this!
He also understood, as all successful people do, that each of us can control our thoughts and our actions. And when we do that, when we step up and take 100% control of our own lives. By taking command of what we think and what we do, we become the masters of our own fate. We also become unbeatable!
In reality, no one succeeds in this life by taking the easiest path. We succeed only after we determine that we will, with God’s help, commit ourselves to what must be done, and then insist on keeping our minds positive while we move consistently and persistently toward our goals.
During the most difficult time of the Second World War, Winston Churchill inspired the British people to never give up, when he said, "We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself, the means of inspiration and survival."
Friend, I’ve chosen to share this story about Viktor Frankl today, not only because I personally think his story of triumph is incredible, but also because I know that on any journey toward success that you and I might embark on, we're bound to come up against obstacles that may, for a time, seem impenetrable.
So today, if you find yourself facing seemingly impenetrable obstacles, I hope you will spend some time thinking of Victor Frankl and remind yourself that compared to him, whatever obstacles you may be facing at present are really not at all that insurmountable.
Friend, a change in your perspective can change everything else in your world. You’re a tremendous person! You wouldn’t have read this far if you weren’t. So let me encourage you to face the future with courage and optimism---because having a Positive Mind will make a huge difference in your life!
Perhaps you would like us to send you a small booklet titled “TOMORROW CAN BE BETTER.” This booklet explains how, with God’s help, we can live a life with a positive purpose and infinite hope.
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Optimist: “One who finds an opportunity in every difficulty!”
Pessimist: “One who finds difficulty in every opportunity!”
Ron Bainbridge
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