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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places) Is dedicated to HELPING Men and Women Find HOPE


(Ron Bainbridge, Editor) (December 17th, 2019)


Friend, in every city of the world, in every age, you come across or read about people who have looked suffering right in the eye and refused to buckle under. Such people are indeed an inspiration to others!

I think of people like Yvonne and Yvette who are thirty-two years old and permanently joined at the head. They have two independent brains, but they share one bloodstream. Yet they get on with living!

Then, there’s Mark Hicks, who can turn his head only thirty degrees. That’s all the control he had over his body, but he became a brilliant painter. And the movie about his life, Gravity Is My Enemy, won an Oscar in 1981.

We can also be inspired by Terry Fox, a twenty-two-year-old Canadian who had suffered bone cancer, yet ran the three thousand kilometers between Saint John’s and Thunder Bay with one artificial leg to raise money for cancer research.

Then there is Helen Keller, whose improbable journey is one of the greatest stories of the 20th century! This amazing deaf and blind woman had such a positive attitude to life and never allowed her multiple disabilities to hold her back. She dedicated her life to tireless advocacy and fearless activism that opened wide the doors of possibility and hope. Helen’s zest for life inspired future generations of people with disabilities to live life to the fullest.

It was Helen Keller who wrote, “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

Then there was David Livingstone, the famous explorer of Africa, who at ten-years-of-age, studied from six in the morning to eight at night. By the time he was eighteen, he had so mastered Latin that he could read Horace and Virgil with ease.

The atheist Sigmund Freud lived in constant pain the last sixteen years of his life. During this time he endured thirty three operations. But he stuck to his work to the very end!

Friend, learning to see the glass as half full rather than half empty has many practical rewards for you, your family, and your colleagues at work. However, no one but you can make the choice to see your world through different eyes. A change in your perspective can change everything else in your world.

You are a tremendous person! You wouldn’t have read this far if you weren’t. So let me encourage you to place your faith in Jesus Christ, so that you can face the future with courage and optimism, because TOMORROW CAN BE BETTER! Following Jesus and obeying His Word. You will be amazed at the difference such a Mindset will Make in your life!

Friend, perhaps you would like us to send you a small booklet titled TOMORROW CAN BE BETTER." This booklet presents how we can live a life with positive purpose and infinite hope. To receive your free copy, simply write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331. You can also Email us at:

“This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given

This day to use as you will! You can waste it or use it

For good! What you do today is important because

You are exchanging a day of your life for it. When

Tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever;

In its place is something that you have left

Behind -- Let it be something good.”


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