Updated: Nov 2, 2020

Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering a BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of: Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10)
(Ron Bainbridge: Editor)
(November 2nd, 2020)
Friend, one of my favourite stories is, is that of a bishop who was travelling by ship to visit a church on the other side of the ocean from where he lived. During their journey, the ship stopped at an island for a day. While there, the missionary went for a walk on the beach and subsequently met three fishermen who were mending their nets.

Curious about their trade, he asked them some questions. Curious about his ecclesiastical robes, they asked him some questions. When they found out he was a Christian leader, they got excited, and proudly pointing to one another, they said, -- “We’re Christians too!”
At their response, the bishop was impressed but cautious. So he asked them, did they know the Lord’s Prayer? Their reply was, they had never heard of it. “What do you say, then, when you pray?” he asked.
They replied, “We pray, ‘We are three, you are three, have mercy on us.’”
The bishop was appalled at the primitive nature of their prayer. “That will not do," he said!
So he spent the next day teaching them the Lord’s Prayer. The fishermen were poor but willing learners, and before the bishop sailed away the next day, they could recite the prayer with no mistakes. The bishop was proud of what they had accomplished.
On the return trip, the bishop’s ship drew near the island again. When the island came into view the bishop went up to the deck and recalled with pleasure the men he had taught and resolved to go and see them again. As he was thinking about this, a light appeared on the horizon near the island. It seemed to be getting closer. And as the bishop gazed in wonder, he realized the three fishermen were walking toward him on the water. Soon all the passengers and crew were on deck to see the light and this amazing sight.
When they were within speaking distance, the fishermen cried out, “Bishop, we have come hurrying to meet you!” – “What is it you want?” asked the stunned bishop.
Their reply was, “We are so sorry. We forgot the lovely prayer you taught us. We say, ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name …’ and then we forgot the rest. Please tell us the prayer again.”
The bishop was humbled by what he was seeing and hearing. Then he said to these fishermen who were walking on water, “Go back to your homes, my friends, and when you pray say, ‘We are three, you are three, have mercy on us.’”
Friend, with that story in mind, I want to encourage you to get rid of the middleman and just seek the simple faith. Make an effort to major in the important things of life, Focus on the critical and long for a meaningful, intimate relationship with the living, loving God that He makes possible for you, when you completely commit your life to following Jesus Christ.
Friend, faith works! Just look back across the centuries and see how faith has worked in the lives of thousands of men and women; how they have been changed and strengthened by it. It is really incredible what people have been able to accomplish because of their faith!
That great faith chapter, (Hebrews chapter 11), lists the accomplishments of such greats as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, and many others. The common ingredient in these great lives was faith. Faith made them different! Faith made then victorious! And it will do the same for you. Faith! Yes, it is reasonable. And very important!
However, having just said that, I know from many letters we receive that a lot of people desperately want to make contact with God … but can’t seem to find Him. The truth is, He is just a door-opening away. And all you have to do is open that door. Just listen to what Jesus said in the book of Revelation, chapter 3, verse 20: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him…”
Friend, if you would like some further assurance of how you can make personal contact with a loving God without a middleman, we’d be pleased to send you two FREE booklets titled “Faith: Is it reasonable?” and “How to find God."
To receive your FREE copies, write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331.
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Or telephone your request on: (08) 98 418 418.

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