Updated: Sep 28, 2023

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)
Are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10, 14:1-6)

(September 27th, 2023)
Friends, some years ago I read an article about the tragic sinking of a Russian submarine. The article I was reading contained a caution I needed. And perhaps it’s a caution you might need to consider also.
The author of the article referred to a newspaper report which stated the following information: “Russia says faulty torpedo sank nuclear submarine” was the headline. The 13-line story gave the official verdict of a Russian investigation into the disastrous loss of one of Russia’s most powerful nuclear submarines during naval exercises in August 2000. Sadly, all 118 members of the Kursk’s crew perished, although some survived for several hours in the rear of the doomed vessel. It remains Russia’s worst peacetime naval catastrophe. Losing one of its showpiece subs was a terrible embarrassment to its military and political leaders. And as that nation witnessed a great outpouring of grief, they were indisposed to admit the possibility of a failure within Russian technology. The less sinister explanation was that the Kursk might have struck a World War II land mine. The more sinister scenario had a NATO submarine colliding with it.
When most of the Submarine was raised, 115 bodies were identified and buried!
Following this, extensive research was undertaken and reviewed by a government commission, which identified why the Kursk sank. It wasn’t an old mine. It wasn’t shadowy pursuit by other nations. The Kursk sank because one of its own faulty torpedoes exploded. The Russian navy has since ordered that type of torpedo be removed from service throughout its fleet. Friend, reading that story reminded me that I am most often my own worst enemy! When disaster strikes, I am tempted to live in denial about torpedoing my own prospects. I look around instinctively for a scapegoat. I can give two or three possibilities at the drop of a hat for how circumstances beyond my control, co-workers, or fate, could be to blame; but not me. You see, personal responsibility is often painful. Well, things do happen beyond our control. And there’s no spiritual virtue in trying to take the blame for a very bad thing that happens to you. I’m just reminding myself to be alert to the opposite and more familiar tendency to live in denial or blame others for my own self-sabotaging behaviours. Friend, if there is a situation or relationship in which you know you were the one who threw sand into the gears, do the right thing - stop blaming others - take responsibility. Because only with honesty about what really happened can healing begin.
If you are reading this message today and feel like you may have made a mess of some things in your life I’d like to extend my hand to help you.
Many people make mistakes and feel like they have failed in life. However very few ever make the effort to turn their life around, dust off, and move on to victory after they have failed. I hope you will be in that small percentage because licking your wounds will only leave a bitter aftertaste.
Friend, I encourage you to write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and request your FREE copy of our booklet titled “HOW TO HANDLE FAILURE.” We will be pleased to mail this to you.
Our address is 175 Smuts Road, Kendenup, Western Australia 6323.
You can also E-mail your request to us at:
“In your hands, you hold the seeds of failure or the potential for greatness.
Your hands are capable, but they must be used for the right things
To reap the rewards you are capable of attaining.-
The choice is yours”
(Zig Ziglar)
Friend, thank you for taking the time to read what we feel privileged to have shared with you today. We hope you have been encouraged and blessed.
Ron Bainbridge
Co-ordinator of:

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“No matter how many steps we may take away
from God, it only takes one step to get back!”