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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places) Is dedicated to HELPING Men and Women Find HOPE


(Ron Bainbridge, Editor) (December 10th, 2019)


Friend, I know you’ve seen the TV clips of interviews with neighbours after somebody in their community was arrested for selling drugs or killing his wife. “He was always such a friendly person,” some sweet older lady says. “He always waved and smiled as he left for work in the morning.” Another person says, “We used to share gardening tools, and I just can’t believe the person I knew could do such a thing.”

You’ve probably said the same thing yourself about someone with whom you worked or went to Church services with. You thought she was a trustworthy, honest person. You really believed he cared about his family. Conversations the two of you had, over time gave you the impression his faith was the real thing. Then, along came the theft or the affair or the arrest for child pornography! What’s going on?

Singer Beyonce` Knowles gave an interview some years ago that may explain how many people you think you know wind up in situations you’d never dreamed about them being in. She was commenting on all the dirty dancing her fans had come to expect from her when she performs her hit music onstage.

“That’s not me,” she says. “That’s my best friend, Sasha!” She explains that Sasha is an alternate personality who takes over her body when she gets before an audience. “There’s no way I’d wear a short little dress and dance like that in front of all those people.” -- So, That’s how it’s done!

That’s how a person who is pious on Sunday can curse like a sailor at work on Tuesday or take advantage of a customer on Friday afternoon. And it must be the explanation for the devoted father who goes to his little girl’s recital one evening and hopes nobody asks about the bruise he put on her face when he was raging at home the night before.

Friend, sometimes we really don’t know our neighbours or work partners. We see the external image they choose to project and don’t really know the drives that are deep inside. Worse still, we are sometimes dishonest with our own hearts!

However, before you laugh at Beyonce`s explanation of her lewd behaviour, think about your own experience. Before making fun of a woman who has worked out an explanation for what she admits is obscene, look deeply into your own heart.

Friend, Jesus shocked and offended some people by teaching that right answers and right rituals are not enough. The heart must be pure. The public and private persons must be the same. You see, God will not tolerate the hypocrisy of play-acting. In fact, a shiny apple with a rotten centre is eventually known for its “core” values.

While it’s true that we all make mistakes and lack self-control in certain areas, some mistakes and lack of self-control are more public than others. Well, how do you and I handle those mistakes and lack of self-control that everyone knows about? If you genuinely would like to know how, I encourage you to write for a FREE booklet that will help you make the right choices in your life, choices that will enable you to exercise more self-control in every aspect of your life.

If you are interested in this offer, just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and ask for the booklet titled “When You Can’t Hide Your Mistakes”. Our address is: P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331. Phone us on 98 418 418

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“If your aim is control, it must be self-control first.

If your aim is management, it must be



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