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Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Peace Trees!

Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of: Real People, Real Events, Real Places) Dedicated to providing Spiritual FOOD FOR THOUGHT

To HELP Men and Women Find PEACE and HOPE

(John 10:10; 14:1-6)


Friend, all wars leave terrible consequences. For instance, World War II claimed fifty million lives and virtually destroyed a continent before it was over. In addition, those who survived the ordeal were forced to make many adjustments in order to endure their time spent in a living hell. But for many, in spite of their terrible trials, this was their finest hour.

For instance, during WWII, Winston Churchill remarkably rallied the British people to amazing feats of heroism as he addressed their personal expectations, by offering them nothing “but blood, toil, sweat, and tears.” That approach helped steel them against adversity!

Then, during the darkest days of the blitz, when their beloved homeland was in imminent danger of invasion, the British dug in. – No one, during this critical time, was certain whether or not Hitler and his hordes could be stopped. Yet, through all of this uncertainty, England’s most popular song during a time of foreboding evil expressed HOPE, not fear! That song was called “The White Cliffs of Dover,” which referred to a coastal area that bristled with guns, planes, and radar equipment. – Perhaps you will remember the lyrics of that song from your childhood. If you’ve forgotten them, let me share them with you:

“There’ll be Bluebirds over, the white cliffs of Dover, tomorrow, just you wait and see. There’ll be love and laughter, and peace ever after, tomorrow, when the world is free.

The Shepherd will tend his sheep, the valley will bloom again, and Jimmy will go to sleep in his own little room again. There’ll be Bluebirds over, the white cliffs of Dover, tomorrow, just you wait and see.”

Friend, that simple song came to symbolize the courage of a people who looked past death and sacrifice to a better day ahead. In fact, it was Winston Churchill who called that era: “Their finest hour.”

Remarkably, this same indomitable spirit displayed by the British, was also evident in many other war-torn countries during that time. And this invincible spirit reached its highest point in the city of Leningrad (which is today called St. Petersburg), where the Russian people endured horrible deprivation during an 872-day siege by the German and Finish armies.

Tragically, more than 650,000 Leningraders died in 1942 alone, mostly from starvation, disease, and shelling by distant guns. However, the survivors refused to surrender to tyranny. And their response to unimaginable horror still stands as one of the world’s most striking examples of raw human courage. Today, St. Petersburg is called “The Hero City!”

Paradoxically, even as I write, the city of Kiev, and thousands of men, women, and children living in Ukraine are refusing to surrender to the tyranny of Russian troops, who are invading their country and inflicting senseless, devastation and destruction upon them.

Friend, as you reflect on what I’ve shared with you today, perhaps it will help to remind you that no one lives this life without encountering some adversity. In fact, you and I might as well prepare ourselves for it. Because, although there will be moments of serenity and beauty, when we can lean back and take in the wonder of it all. There will also be times of sheer terror, when we’ll feel tossed around and insecure.

However, this is all part of the journey of life. That is why it is so necessary, before these crises arrive, to get ourselves stabilized and to understand who we are and what we will do when the pressure is on.

Friend, I sincerely hope that you will look to the Living God, through Jesus for your stability. Because, in doing so, you will discover strength for your journey through the adversities of life, as well as experiencing PEACE and HOPE, along with the security and peace of mind that comes through trusting in Jesus, who promised that everyone who trusts in Him will have a peace of mind, which passes all human understanding.

In John 14:27, we read where Jesus told His troubled disciples, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." This is a peace of mind that the world cannot give, because of the human turmoil that is constantly in this broken world. However, it is a peace of mind that is promised to all who trust in Jesus the Christ.

Perhaps you would like to experience the Peace that Jesus offers in your life? If so, we invite you to write for our FREE booklets titled WHERE TROUBLE CAN’T HURT YOU and WHEN LIFE LETS YOU DOWN.”

To receive your personal copies, write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, 175 Smuts Road, Kendenup, Western Australia 6323 or email us at:

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