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Updated: Jan 16

Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING


(John 10:10)

(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (February 24th, 2020)


Friend, David Riesman in his book Lonely Crowd saw the older generation as other-directed.” What he meant by that is that we tend to do what is expected of us. The opinions of our families and friends lay down the parameters for our lives. Individual freedom and initiative are difficult to achieve and are downright frightening to many people.

However, the person who has given control of his/her life over to other people has missed the opportunity for renewal in later years. Now is the time to take charge of your own life! The promises of mount up with wings of eagles”, as found in Isaiah 40:31 are only for those who are willing to try their wings.

Friend, the person who can do nothing but what is expected of him/her does not find it easy to take charge of their own life. Such a person is already comfortable in their rigid conformity.

The stakes are high, however. Those who are content to follow the Australian generalization of growing old gracefully face resignation, a little bit of travel, some busy work, withdrawal from life, and a fairly early death.

While on the other hand, those who have the courage and initiative to live their own lives, take charge and thereby provide one important condition for renewal. You see, playing out the role of public expectations provides no occasion and no challenge that will elicit a new surge of power and achievement.

Friend, the person who would be renewed must wait upon the Lord as a free and individual person willing to run the risk of managing his/her own life. This means we must shake off the chains of conformity that enslave us. Vocational experience tends to control the life of any person who reaches the exciting age of the sixties and the ensuing years.

If a person’s work is of such a nature that he/she is forced to retire against their will, they may rail against their fate, the company, the rules, and the law, but to no avail. The important thing to remember is this, if we cannot keep working at our old job let us find a new one, even if it has to be of our own making.

Interestingly, some of the happiest vocational moments of any life come with a new commitment in the middle sixties or thereafter. And I speak from experience because my present age is eighty-six, (87 on June 16th, 2025).

Sadly, some older people miss the opportunity to take charge of their own lives because of the influence and expectations of their families. Many tend to internalize family habits. A mother who has always worked for her children may go right on working for them even though the children are long grown and much better able to manage their own lives than she is. A father may turn over his funds to his children and thereby become dependent upon them.

For reasons of their own, families often discourage the remarriage of a surviving parent without regard to the importance of companionship in the golden years. Families on occasion encourage ageing parents to enter rest homes prematurely or to settle for useless and dependent roles unsuited for those who are able to do many things on their own initiative.

However, each older person who learns to wait upon the Lord must have a declaration of independence and be able to say, “God has given me the rest of my life, and it is my responsibility to manage it to the best of my ability.”

Friend, allow me to conclude today’s message with this reminder: Jesus is the One sent by God to provide us with inner peace, regardless of any outward circumstances.

He is….the Prince of Peace . . . INFINITE IN REDEMPTION!

He is….the Mighty God . . . . INFINITE IN POWER!

He is….Everlasting Father . . INFINITE IN LOVE!

Friend, if you are willing to trust your life to Jesus and enter into a powerful and personal relationship with Him, you will discover that, with His help, you will be more than able to Take Charge of Your Own Life!

Friend, if after reading today’s message, you feel that you would like some help in taking charge of your own life, just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and ask for our FREE booklet titled: I’m Getting Older.” Our mailing address is: Apt. 49/2 Plantation Street, Menora, Western Australia 6050. Or Email us at:

“Age only matters when one is ageing.

Now that I have arrived at a great age,

I might as well be twenty.”

(Pablo Picasso) -- 1881-1973

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A time to reflect and give thanks for some of the simpler but important things in life.



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