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(John 10:10)

(April 11th, 2020)


Friend, in 1955 James Bracy wrote his wife a love letter, which was delivered to her mail box. Nothing unusual about that, you say? Well, friend, what if I add the fact that this letter was written 47 years before she eventually received it? As you might expect, there’s more to this story When Mr. Bracy was stationed in California with the U.S Army in 1955, he wrote to Sally Bracy at her parent’s home in Virginia. He put the then-required six cents of postage on his letter and dropped it off at the Post Office. And that’s where his letter stayed until it was found in 2002 by a construction crew who were in the process of dismantling the old Post Office building. It had apparently fallen between two walls in the mail room and lay there undiscovered for all those years. Was Mrs. Bracy disinterested in this letter because so much time had passed since it was written? Hardly! If anything, she said, “it means more to me now than when he wrote it so long ago.” And as I reflect on this remarkable story of a long-lost love letter, I can’t help but wish that more of us felt that way about heaven’s love letter to us. Friend, I’m also thinking back to 1998, when Jay Leno, who was one of America’s well known television and radio presenters did one of his occasional on-the-street interviews.

“Can you name one of the Ten Commandments?” he asked. “God helps those who help themselves?” offered someone. “Freedom of speech?” guessed another. “Name one of the apostles,” Leno challenged his audience. They couldn’t come up with even one. Then he asked if they could name the Beatles, and with one voice they shouted, “George, Paul, John, and Ringo!”

Well, as funny as this might seem, recent surveys indicate that this sort of biblical illiteracy isn’t uncommon in the western world. One survey has 12% saying Noah was married to Joan of Arc. Another revealed that only 42% of those quizzed could identify who preached the Sermon on the Mount. Perhaps, in the light of this biblical illiteracy, we should ask ourselves some questions as to why we do not look to the Bible more often. Is it because the Bible is such an ancient document? Or is it because we have a mistaken notion of what we’d find there? Or are we just too busy to read it? Friend, Sally Bracy cherished her husband’s four-page letter, which she received 47 years after it had been written. It was more precious than any other in her scrapbook because of the unusual and circuitous route by which it reached her.

I don’t know about you, but I feel something similar to that about my Bible. Yes, it was first written a long time ago. But it has survived all these centuries against the determined efforts of many to destroy it. Then, when I finally pick it up to read, I discover it tells a love story that involves you and me. Friend, if time with the Holy Scripture isn’t part of your routine, may I suggest you begin reading the Bible from the Gospel of John? I think you will be thrilled by what you find there!

However, if you have a need for greater inner peace and security in your life and would like some help in understanding your Bible better, A Better Life Bible Study will help you discover these qualities for yourself.

The proven, systematic study of the Bible that is offered through the A Better Life Bible Study program is a FREE public service which permits you to study the Bible in the privacy of your own home. It does not obligate you to become involved in organized religion and there is absolutely no charge for the materials you receive. Nor is there ever any solicitation for funds.

Friend, if you have a need for greater inner peace and security in your life, A Better Life Bible Study will help you discover these qualities for yourself. Through our stimulating, true to the Bible, correspondence courses you will come to realize that legitimate Christianity brings peace, not confusion, contentment, not dissatisfaction.

To enroll in our FREE Home Bible Correspondence Course, simply send us your request, along with your postal address, and we will then mail your first set of lessons.

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“Take time to read a portion of God's Word each day;

It will affect you for good,

Even if you don't retain a word!”

Friend, until tomorrow, when we shall share a new message of encouragement with you, may our Loving God lift you up on eagle’s wings and provide you with His Peace, Wisdom, and Love.

Ron Bainbridge

Co-ordinator of:

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