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The Life-Saving Power of God’s Relentless Love!

Updated: Oct 31, 2020





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(John 10:10)

(October 31st, 2020)

The Life-Saving Power

of God’s Relentless Love!

Friend, woven through Scripture, like the ribbons on a newborn baby’s quilt, are gentle reminders that God’s love is like that of a mother: deep, unrelenting, and bold. In fact, it was the prophet Isaiah who wrote, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you…” (Isaiah 66:13).

Friend, perhaps the story I’m going to share with you today, (highlighting the relentless love of a mother), might help you to better understand

the relentless love of God. I hope so!

It was over 30-years-ago, when Susanna Petroysan heard her daughter’s plaintive voice crying out, Mummy, I’m so thirsty. I want a drink!” However, there was nothing Susanna could do, because she and her four-year-old daughter Gayaney were trapped beneath tonnes of collapsed concrete and steel. Beside them, in the darkness, lay the body of Susanna’s sister-in-law, Karine, one of the fifty-five thousand victims of the worst earthquake in the history of Soviet Armenia.

Susanna had gone to Karine’s house to try on a dress. It was the morning of December 7th, 1988, at 11.30amThe earthquake hit at 11.41am – Susanna had just removed her dress and was clad in stockings and a slip, when the apartment began to shake. Immediately she grabbed her daughter, but had taken only a few steps, before the floor opened up and they tumbled in. Susanna, Gayaney, and Karine fell into the basement with the nine-story apartment house crumbling around them.

Susanna was trapped on her back, with a concrete panel 60 centimetres above her head and a crumpled water pipe above her shoulders, which kept her from standing upright. Feeling around in the darkness, she found a 750-gram jar of blackberry jam that had fallen into the basement, which she gave to her daughter to eat. This jar of jam was gone by the second day! That’s when her daughter cried out, Mummy, I’m so thirsty!”

Susanna knew she would die, but she wanted her daughter to live. She found a dress, perhaps the one she had come to try on, and made a bed from it for Gayaney. Then, although it was bitterly cold, she took off her stockings and wrapped them around her daughter to keep her warm. The two of them were trapped for 8-days!

Because of the darkness, Susanna lost track of time. Because of the cold, she lost the feeling in her fingers and toes. And because of her inability to move, she lost hope and was just waiting for death. She began to hallucinate and her thoughts wandered. Occasionally a merciful sleep freed her from the horror of her entombment, but the sleep would be brief.

Something always awakened her: sometimes it was the cold, or the hunger, or most often, the voice of her daughter crying out, Mummy, I’m thirsty!” At some point in that eternal night, Susanna had an idea. She remembered a television program about an Arctic explorer who was dying of thirst. His comrade had slashed open his hand and given his friend his blood.

Susanna was later to share: “I had no water, no fruit juice, nothing liquid! It was then that I remembered I had my own blood.” – Her groping fingers, numb from the cold, found a piece of shattered glass. She sliced open her left index finger and gave it to her daughter to suck. However, the drops of blood were not enough to satisfy her daughter’s thirst. “Please Mummy, some more. Cut another finger!” – Susanna had no idea how many times she cut herself. She only knows that if she hadn’t, Gayaney would have died. Her blood was her daughter’s only hope.

Friend, as you think about Susanna’s blood being her daughter’s only hope and the fact that her hand was cut, and her blood was poured, and her child was saved. Isn’t this what Jesus did for each of us in order that we might have the hope of eternal salvation! -- In fact, that’s exactly what Jesus was implying in those words we read in Matthew 26:28, where He stated: This is my blood, the blood of the new agreement, shed to set many free from their sins.”

History does record for us, that the hands of Jesus were pierced, and His blood was poured out, and that God’s children are saved, as they reach out in faith to accept the saving blood of Jesus Christ. That’s why the apostle Paul writes the words we find in the book of Ephesians chapter 1 verse 7, where he declares: In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of God’s grace.”

The Love of God!

The shedding of Christ’s blood meant the giving up of His life! -- The reality is that Jesus gave up His life in order that each of us might experience eternal life. So as we consider the amazing life-saving power of God’s relentless love for His childrenis there a love more incredible than that?

Friend, I sincerely hope that you will always remember this truth, the Living God who created the universe we are blessed to live in, is a generous God and He has wonderful plans for each of us in His Son, Jesus Christ. His love for you is relentless.

If you would like help in obtaining a fresh look at God’s grace, we invite you to write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and request our FREE booklet, The Relentless Love of God.”

To receive your complimentary copy, write to P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331. Phone us on: (08) 98 418 418 Or you may

E-mail us at:

Friend, thank you for taking the time to read what we feel privileged to have shared with you today. We hope you have been encouraged and blessed.

Ron Bainbridge

Co-ordinator of:

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Friend, God Loves YOU! He is the Father you have been looking for all your life!

To hear and View this ~Video ~ Please click on the Link below

This is His love Letter to you.

Friend, in a world too often filled with bad news, the primary Mission of Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES, is in sharing this Good Newsthat God, our Heavenly Father, has made it possible for everyone to enter into a personal relationship with Himself, through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

If you have not already done so, we invite you to surrender to God’s incredible love today. You will never regret it!

(John 3:16-17; Galatians 3:26-29)

(2 Corinthians 5:17)



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© Ron Bainbridge

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