Today’s Message of Encouragement from
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to providing
(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (February 16th, 2020)
Friend, the Novelist George Moore tells how the government put the peasants to work building roads during the great depression in Ireland. Delighted to have jobs again, they worked energetically, happily singing their Irish songs. Until one day they realized what was happening—the roads they were building didn’t go anywhere—just rambled out into the country and ended in the middle of nowhere.
The roads were useless. The government had put them to work just to give them something to do. The songs stopped and the workers grew listless. Moore commented,
“The roads to nowhere are difficult to make.
For a man to work and sing there must be an end in view.”
Another person said, “There is nothing in the world which helps a man surmount his difficulties, survive his disasters, or keep him healthy and happy, as the knowledge of a life task worthy of his devotion.”
Those words are true! You can live with enthusiasm, optimism, and effectiveness only if you are confident that you’re doing something that really counts. Take away purpose in life, and you remove all enthusiasm for living.
Friend, DON”T LET CRITICISM GET YOU DOWN! Purpose—strong purpose—has the power to lift us above our fear of criticism. Remember the words we used to chant as children? “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.”
That’s not true! Words do hurt us. This revised version comes closer to the truth, “Sticks and stones are hard on bones; Aimed with angry art, Words can sting like anything; and silence breaks the heart.”
I guess all of us are sensitive to criticism, and desirous of approval. But we’ll never get far in any worthwhile work unless we learn to ignore the rantings of those who oppose it. There are times when it seems like there is an unwritten code of conduct that says, “Thou shalt not be different!”
The reason I share this, is because the moment a person begins to excel in anything he/she becomes the target of the envious, the suspicious, and the malicious. “Censure is the tax one pays for being eminent,” said Dean Swift.
Friend, if you stand taller, work harder or live cleaner than those around you, you are sure to be splashed and sniped at. Mediocrity always despises excellence. A clean life is a rebuke to an unclean one—a slap at a soiled society.
However, when a person has found his/her task—has a firm purpose—he/she can handle criticism. When he/she knows what he/she must say, what he/she must do, and what he/she must be, he/she will be pretty well immune to both unearned praise and unjust blasts. Whether people are tossing bouquets or slinging mud, such a person will steer a straight course and will not be diverted from his/her purpose.
Friend, the only thing that can keep you on top of life is purpose—wholehearted devotion to a work that you really believe is worthy of your effort. If you have this power of purpose no obstacle can stop you, no criticism can defeat you, and no discouragement can divert you.
Friend, the story of the people who took Jesus of Nazareth seriously is the story of the New Testament letters. – In fact, they reveal to us very clearly that something very Life Changing happened when people met Jesus of Nazareth. And that this SOMETHING, changed FOREVER the way they related to each other, as well as the challenges of life they were experiencing.
Indeed, the letters of the New Testament, clearly reveal that their association with Jesus of Nazareth provided men and women with a purpose they had never experienced before. A purpose that made it possible for people to endure and to conquer life’s difficulties!
Throughout the centuries, Christian historians have concluded that believers in Jesus of Nazareth were given the power to “survive and surpass” any hurdle they faced.
In fact, the change in the lives of those who followed Jesus is truly a MIRACLE!
Perhaps, what is even more wonderful for us today is that IT IS STILL TRUE!
The truth is, that every person who is willing to REPENT of their sins and commit their life to Jesus,will be TRANSFORMED as they experience FORGIVENESS from God and are WELCOMED as an adopted child into FELLOWSHIP with Him.
The question is do you really want to enter into this FELLOWSHIP with a GOD who really loves you? And who has shown His amazing love through Jesus of Nazareth, who for centuries has been transforming the lives of men and women who have placed their trust in Him? – Let me say this, if you really want the HOPE and PURPOSE God offers through Jesus, it is waiting for you.
Friend, if you are willing to accept God’s wonderful love and be adopted into His family, you will experience a HOPE and PURPOSE in life that is not dependent on circumstances.
It is a HOPE in the Living God, who will never leave you and who will gently guide you through the mountains and valleys of life. And, what is even more amazing is the fact that when this life is over, you will spend eternity in heaven with Him.
If you would like to receive a Free booklet that will help you to keep on keeping on with Hope and Purpose,please write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331, and ask for: “THE POWER OF PURPOSE!” You may also Phone your request on: (08) 98 418 418
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Thank you for taking the time to read our message today! We look forward to sharing another life-changing message with you tomorrow. Until then, may God bless you with His grace, His peace, and His power in all He is leading you to do for Him!
“When goals go, meaning goes. When meaning goes,
Purpose goes. When purpose goes,
Life goes dead on our hands.”
Carl Jung, (1875-1961)
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"Jesus Rescue Me" To hear and View this ~Video~ Please click on the Link below "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" Romans 10:13