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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of: Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

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(John 10:10)

(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (March 5th, 2020)


Friend’s, Wellness is a term used by some medical and religious writers to convey a sense of pleasurable, purposeful living. In John Pilch’s book, Wellness: Your Invitation to Full Life.”

In his book, John Pilch suggests five areas to be aware of in order to experience wellness. Those five areas are: Identify a purpose, know the source of satisfying pleasures, accept responsibility for actions, be committed to continual growth, and have firm spiritual beliefs.

Interestingly, what John Pilch presents could be a helpful summary of what Jesus teaches about happiness.

(1) Jesus knew His purpose;

He knew what he had come to earth for. And He knew what others were to do with their lives. In fact, He emphatically declared that we are to: “…seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33). In speaking those words, Jesus left no doubt: that our lives are fulfilled in seeking God and His will.

I guess that most of us realize that living without a purpose leads to frustration. Kurt Vonnegut’s novel, Cat’s Cradle, contains a scene in which God has just created Adam. The first man blinks and takes in his situation. Then he turns to God and asks, “What is the purpose of all this?”

Well, this novel bears no resemblance to the Genesis story which inspired it. However, it does reflect the way many people feel. They are not sure why they are here. And they are disappointed by life. If you fall into that category, let me assure you, that living for God’s purpose, is the first step on the way to happiness.

(2) Jesus also points to the source of life’s most satisfying pleasures;

In Matthew 16:25-26, Jesus paradoxically announces: “For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?”

What Jesus is sharing with us in those words, is that it is not in the physical pleasures of life that lasting satisfaction is discovered. On the contrary, continuing pleasure and contentment can only be found in spiritual pursuits.

Friend, a common theme runs through books written by Victor Frankl, Elie Wiesel, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and Corrie Ten Boom. Each one, as well as others who endured harsh situations or confinement, was confronted with a choice to save one’s mind or to protect one’s body.

Those who chose to save their souls in the concentration camps found the strength to go on living. But those who decided to save the body at the expense of the soul lost both.

(3) Jesus’ prescription for happiness also includes accepting responsibility for one’s own life;

Too many times, when we are confronted with what we should be and what we are not, we may reply, “That’s just the way I am!” And sometimes, when challenged to give up anger or greed or lust, we may protest, “I can’t change!” However, Jesus refuses to accept these responses. You see, although it is not easy to learn new ways, Jesus believes people can.

As a young man, Ludwig van Beethoven emerged as a musically talented person. However, when he was only twenty-eight he began to experience severe hearing loss. For a time he struggled with this devastating disability, he even contemplated suicide, but finally he decided to accept his deafness and to go on with his music.

For the next twenty-six years Beethoven produced symphonies, sonatas, and concertos that still endure. Friends, his determination to control his own life illustrates the spiritual challenge Jesus puts to each of us.

(4) Jesus also emphasizes the need for ongoing improvement in life; We never arrive!

In reality, none of us ever reach the point where we can stop growing. And Jesus draws His comparison from a vineyard, as He tells us that the vines that quit producing in life are to be cut off. He is telling us that fruit is demanded. And growth is expected.

You see a marriage that does not grow dies. A job with no variety becomes boring. A teacher who stops learning falls behind his students. A doctor who fails to read the medical journals does a disservice to his patients. And a second language that is not used will soon be lost.

By the same token, a life that doesn’t allow expansion, wonder and dreams is an unhappy life.

(5) Friend, we know Jesus only from four short biographical books;

Those books are: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But what I want to say to each of you today is that learning about Jesus helps us to see what happiness is all about. In reality, happiness is a state of mind that lives above circumstances, that expects more than just good feelings.

And in a wonderful way, Jesus emphasizes the firm spiritual beliefs that should be the foundation we build our lives upon. It is in knowing our purpose, being in touch with the source of real pleasure in life, and believing that we can change. The teachings of Jesus urge us never to stop growing. They also remind us, that becoming like God is the ultimate motivation for life.

The truth is, if you really want to achieve a higher level of spiritual maturity, and if you really want to be a successful, dynamic, happy person, you can be!

Friend, if you would like some help in achieving spiritual maturity, we’d be pleased to send you a FREE booklet containing a four-step formula for spiritual growth.

To receive your copy by return mail, just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and ask for our A Four-step Program for Spiritual Growth.”

Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331.

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Friend, if you would like to read more human interest stories, we invite you to visit our Website Blog at:

Friend, your life and mine is a journey of unexpected twist and turns, ups and downs, happiness and sadness, calm and chaos, love and hate, laughter and crying, life and death, singing and silence.

The key is how each of us responds to every twist and turn and all the ups and downs. When together we can proclaim, as the Psalmist did in (Psalm 91:2 NLT),"He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him." It is then, our lives will be a reflection of everything that is good about God. It is then, that our lives will ultimately draw others to inquire about our lifestyle and our character that are different from everyone around...

"To Live Without You" To hear and View this ~Video~ Please click on the Link below Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without the Lord. I just can't imagine it.



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