Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places) Is dedicated to HELPING Men and Women Find HOPE
(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (December 2nd, 2019)
Friends, some years ago I read an ancient story about a man who clothed himself in very beautiful robes and who slept on a pile of smelly onions every night. Then he wondered why people deprived themselves of enjoying his beautiful robes by staying away from him.
That story stayed with me because it hit close to home. Have you ever felt you had something beautiful that others would enjoy, but for some reason they wouldn’t let you get close to them? It wasn’t because you slept on a bed of onions, but what was it?
This reminds me of a person who said how frustrated she was with her life. Almost every attempt to share her beliefs with others had failed. She even lost some friends in the process.
Why? Well, part of the reason was because she got so involved with what she wanted to say that she let the personal dimension drop out of sight.
Friend, I’ve known people and so have you, who seemed to pride themselves on their unflappability. If someone dies, they smile a kind of pious smile through it all. If tragedy takes a baby away, they primly say “It’s the will of God!” If someone cries out in pain and sickness and asks of God, “Why?” they tell you it is a sign of weak faith. They may be well-meaning, but they’ve dropped their end of the tie that binds.
Don’t you find it strange that we don’t do better in this area of comforting others than we do? After all, isn’t that what life is all about, making the effort to relate meaningfully with God and with each other? It’s the whole point of life, isn’t it?
Too often, men and women try to make connection with others through their religion, when they should have been making connection with their life. Our life is what connects us with another person. Our life carries in it the message of our heart. Our words can never overcome the message of our life!
Your life is the critical and exciting issue. Nothing can be substituted for it. In fact, meaningful connection with others is made when you open your life to them. Not the beautiful robes you may wear. And certainly not the bed of onions!
One final thought; with so many people trying to get ahead with their life at everybody else’s expense, think how refreshing and exciting it is to be the kind of person who is eagerly trying to help others get ahead! That’s what meaningful relationship is all about.
Friend, I sincerely hope that the message of your life will be fresh and exciting, and that you will leave a positive influence for good wherever you may go. Real success is best understood in terms of a meaningful relationship with God and a compassionate concern for the well-being of others.
You can have success! Real success! And if you would like to know more about how you can achieve real success in your life, we’d be happy to send you our FREE booklet titled “You can have Real Success.”
To receive your complimentary copy of this booklet, just send your request to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, WA 6331, or Email us at: abl-alb@omninet.net.au
“Successful people tend to be grateful people.
They focus on what they have rather than
What they don’t have. They look for, and
Show appreciation for, the positives,
(People, opportunities, circumstances, etc.),
That may surround them!”
(Steve Ventura)
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To view this Video, please click on the link below
https://www.andiesisle.com/breathe.html "Breathe" ~Video~ May God's Grace shine upon you