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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering a BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of: Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING


(John 10:10)

(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (March 13th, 2020)


Friend, dreaming need not be daydreaming. It is healthy, challenging, and exciting to wrap your life around a noble vision and to move toward its accomplishment.

Some holy dreams have been given directly by God. The apostle Paul, for example, had a dream about a man of Macedonia begging for the gospel to be preached to him. It became the spark for the great missionary to preach the gospel in Europe.

Other dreams arise from the heartbreak of seeing a situation that is evil and knowing it must be challenged. Martin Luther King Junior had such a dream and verbalized it for a whole generation of Americans. It changed the world.

C. Y. O’Connor’s vision of a pipeline to carry water from Mundaring to Kalgoorlie became a reality and made a dramatic difference to the lives of many rural and mining people in that area of Western Australia.

All dreams are future-orientated. Helpful ones are clear and vivid in their description of some desirable state of affairs. They channel energy and inspire commitment. They rally others to you and to your vision of the future.

What about You? Are you pursuing a great dream? Or are you just drifting? As you give consideration to these questions, let me provide you with some things to think about……

Your dream needs to stretch you. When you put it into words, it should produce an audible gulp. Dreams should be big enough and noble enough that they challenge the best in you and the people around you.

You must reduce your dream to specific goals. Until you do, it has no handles to grab. Without specific goals, you have no idea whether you are getting closer to realizing it. “Do a better job at work” and “Lose some weight” aren’t helpful; “Increase sales 20% by July 1” and “Lose 7 kilo’s by April 15,” on the other hand, mean something definite and allow you to measure progress.

Dreamers must be flexible. People who do worthwhile things never abandon their ultimate vision, but often have to change their strategies along the way. Stubbornness in method usually means trouble.

Friend today is upon us now, fresh and ready for the living. If you can’t tell yourself where you want to be at the end of this year, it will likely be lack-lustre and without much sense of fulfillment. Even with a dream fixed in your heart for the future, Vance Havner’s words are noteworthy: “The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs.” How true that statement is!

So what is your vision in the future for your professional life, your family life, your spiritual life? And what are the steps that will get you there?

Friend, here’s to a week of reflecting on what’s important! If you would like some help in achieving your vision for the future, we’d be happy to send you two FREE pamphlets titled, The Relentless Love of God and THE SUCCESS PLAN.”

Our mailing address is: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331.

Our Telephone number is: (08) 98 418 418

Or you can Email us at:

“Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision.

However, today well lived makes every yesterday a dream

Of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

Friend, if you would like to read more human interest stories, we invite you to visit our Website Blog at:


"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" To hear and View this~Video~ Please click on the Link below A personal favorite of mine I hope you will be blessed by the song and video



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