Friends, the chief goal of Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES is in sharing the good news that God has made it possible for men and women to be reconciled with himself through entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). This is a reality that we treasure and enjoy by trusting that it is true.
Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places) Dedicated to providing Spiritual FOOD FOR THOUGHT
To HELP Men and Women Find HOPE
(Ron Bainbridge Editor) (January 15th, 2020)
Friend, the way Jesus saw Scripture is essential to a Christian's thinking because Scripture is essential to our faith. What we believe about Scripture often influences what we believe about Jesus. Yet the opposite is equally or even more true. What Jesus believed about Scripture must influence what believers think of Scripture. So what He thought we should think. During the time when Satan tempted Him, we can see in Jesus' response a clear view of what He believed about Scripture.
1. Jesus believed that Scripture was the word of God.
After Satan tempted him to turn stones to bread, Jesus answered him and said, "It is written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD'" (Matthew 4:4, NASU).
In 2Timothy 3:16-17, the apostle Paul writes, "All Scripture is given by INSPIRATION of God,...." The word "INSPIRATION occurring only here in the New Testament, is from the Greek, theos (NT:2316) "God," and pnein (NT:4154), "to breathe." What Paul is saying, is exactly what Jesus declared, as recorded in Matthew 4:4, that this writing is in fact that which "proceeds out of the mouth of God." "All Scripture is" indeed "inspired of God."
2. Jesus believed Scripture did not contradict itself.
After Satan tempted him to throw Himself down from the temple's peak, Jesus' response to his charge that Scripture guaranteed His Own protection was "On the other hand, it is written" (NASU). Jesus believed that the Scripture the devil quoted could in no way contradict the Scripture He knew to say, you should not and could not tempt the Lord.
Friend, truth harmoniously fits together. One truth will not contradict another. Otherwise, it is not truth at all. If one Scripture says that "baptism now saves you," how can any other Scripture teach otherwise? One Scripture will not contradict another.
3. Jesus believed Scripture was God's power.
When Satan tempted Jesus to worship him, Jesus courageous response was, "Get out of here Satan." (Matthew 4:10, NLT), clearly shows that Scripture empowers us to resist temptation. Although He was the Son of God, Jesus stood face to face with the Devil Himself. Because of what Scripture said, Jesus could say, in essence, get lost!
Scripture is not merely the inculcation of dogma. Rather, it "was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope" (Romans 15:4, NIV).
Furthermore, "all Scripture is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed" (2Timothy 3:16-17, TEV).
The gospel is, as Paul said, “God's power to salvation.” Therefore, how much more is the Bible that contains that gospel? The Bible raises our confidence and capability to say "no" to the work of darkness and "yes" to righteousness.
Friend, many religions have centred in a manipulative monologue! Such as, “You believe what I say because I say it,” or because it is written in a creed book, or agreed upon by theologians. People are told what to believe.
However, you have a right to individual freedom in examining and studying the Bible. Set aside creeds. Carefully seek Bible answers to your questions. This is what God wants you to do and it is the best way to live your life.
Christians who follow Jesus Christ need to see Scripture the way He did.
Scripture is the word of God. Scripture is truth and does not contradict itself. And Scripture as truth empowers us to live right. No longer should we meander through those paths of indecision that lead to exalting human opinion in religion. We need to speak where the Bible speaks - because that is what Jesus did and He has set before us a marvelous example, of obedience to God!

Friend, if you have a need for greater inner peace and security in your life, A Better Life Bible Study will help you discover these qualities for yourself.
The proven, systematic study of the Bible that is offered through the A Better Life Bible Study program is a FREE public service which permits you to study the Bible in the privacy of your own home. It does not obligate you to become involved in organized religion and there is absolutely no charge for the materials you receive. Nor is there ever any solicitation for funds.
Through our stimulating, true to the Bible, correspondence courses you will come to realize that legitimate Christianity brings peace, not disturbances – contentment, not dissatisfaction.
To enroll in our FREE Home Bible Study, simply send us your request, along with your postal address, and we will then mail your first set of lessons.
For further information, please contact Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331
You can Telephone your request on: (08) 98-418-418
Or you may Email us at: abl-alb@omniner.net.au
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P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331
