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Where is God When I am Hurting?

Friends, the mission of Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES is to provide men and women with words of Encouragement and Hope, as well as empower believers in Jesus Christ around the world, to recognize, experience, and celebrate their oneness with all others who know Jesus as Saviour and Lord, regardless of denomination, church fellowship, or historic tradition.

Today's Message of



(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

Because they provide


That Encourages Men and Women to find PEACE and HOPE

By entering a transformational relationship

with Jesus Christ

(John 10:10; 14:1-6; Galatians 3:26-29)

Where is God When I am Hurting?

"Where Is God When I am Hurting?" Have you ever asked that question? Have you ever felt that it seems like God is far away? If we are really honest. When we are hurting and need God the most, sometimes we can't sense His presence. Sometimes we are not sure of His love and sure of His grace. And so, that is a question that people ask over and over again.

When I am hurting where is God? David, who wrote Psalm 139:7 answers that question, when he writes of the omnipresence of God. And all through the Bible we learn that God is omnipresent, that God is everywhere. And that is what David is talking about. You ask somebody where is God? They might say, well, God is in heaven. That is partly true. Or God is in my heart that is partly true.

There are some people who believe God lives in church buildings and that is the only place God lives. That is not right. The Bible says that He doesn't dwell in temples made with the hands of men, but God dwells in the temple of your body through the Holy Spirit. Well, where is God when you need Him?

You know, it is sort of mind boggling when you think about the omnipresence of God, that God is everywhere, that He is transcendent. Did you ever stop to think that God doesn't have to go anywhere He is already there? God is a God who is present no matter where you are.

Friend, the Bible says that He is everywhere. In fact, you can't hide yourself in a secret place from God. Even if you were to go down into the depth of the sea, God would be there. Even when your body is placed in the grave, God would be there. Wherever you go, God is. There is no point in the entire universe where God is not. Not just the earth, but also the whole universe! God is everywhere!

So, in a sense, it is impossible for God not to be present in your life, because God is omnipresent and He is not limited by time, He is not limited by space, He is not limited by location. Now that is hard for us to conceive because we are finite creatures, and we are limited to time and space. Have you ever tried to be in two places at the same time?

I try it all the time, but I have never succeeded yet! That is the way I live every day. I try to be in several places at one time. But it is impossible for me to do and yet God can do that because that is the nature of God, His presence is everywhere!

Lyrics - Sherry Anne

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“I can never be lost to your Spirit! I can never get away from my God! If I go up to heaven, you are there; If I ride the morning winds to the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, your strength will support me.” (Psalm 139:7-10).

Perhaps Friend, even as you have been reading what I have shared with you today, you may still be questioning in your mind, “Where was God when my family were affected by tragedy and loss in our personal life?”

If that is your question, I encourage you to write to: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, Unit 49/2 Plantation Street, Menora, Western Australia 6050 and ask for our FREE booklets titled, Where was God?”, WHERE TROUBLE CAN’T HURT YOU and When Life Lets You DOWN Or you may Email us at:

Friend, we look forward to sharing more thoughts with you tomorrow. But until then, may God bless you with His comforting LOVE, JOY, and PEACE!

“We must accept finite disappointment,

But we must never lose infinite hope!”

Martin Luther King (1929-1968)

Friend, thank you for taking the time to read what we feel privileged to have shared with you today.  We hope you have been encouraged and blessed.


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