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Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering a BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

They are dedicated to HELPING


(John 10:10)

(January 18th, 2021)




Friends today’s message is dedicated to anyone who has suffered Tragedy & Loss. By that statement, I mean Tragedy & Loss that is seemingly unexplainable in human terms!

It was the Russian novelist Dostoevski who stated that, To Suffer & to Weep is To Live!” What he meant by that, is that we human beings suffer because we are alive! On the other hand, those who are dead do not suffer, as we do, who are alive.

In reality, the drama of human suffering has always been the companion and torment of the human race. -- Suffering, is experienced throughout the world. It is oftentimes mysterious, unavoidable and bewildering. In reality, all human beings have had to face suffering at one time or another during their life on this earth.

In fact, the history of the world is the history of suffering. We suffer at birth. We suffer as we live. Old age brings suffering. And suffering only ceases, when it draws its last breath in the death rattle of the sufferer.

Suffering is as universal as the sun, the moon and the stars; it is everywhere: it is found in the mansions of the all-powerful rich, as well as in the miserable hovels of the poor. It is the unfailing bread on every table. And it seems to be the mystery and the destiny of human existence.

All too-often, suffering brings with it a wave of Whys?” Such as, Why did it have to happen to me?”

Such expressions come from the mouth of the broken and wounded sufferer, expressing his/her desire to find a reason for what is going on.

Why has suffering touched mylife, my house, my loved ones?”

Why is there this new invasion of pain, when the old fires of suffering were practically extinguished?”

Why did this have to happen?”

Why did violence or disease take my loved one?”

Why do all of these misfortunes fall on my head?”

Why has this COVID-19 Virus, storm, this fire, this drought, this earthquake, destroyed my life forever?”

Does all this suffering make any sense?”

Friend, the depths of pain experienced by human beings all over the world turn the questions we ask toward the meaning of life and what this world is all about. The questions I’ve posed today are troubling questions which spring from brokenness and the wrenched heart of the afflicted, who are the ones who feel them, and suffer them in the truest sense.

You know, when we stop and look around us, human suffering is everywhere. It surrounds us. It invades us. But none of us want it! We have not asked for it, but it follows us like an accursed shadow. And we often ask, “When will it disappear?” Well, the answer to that question is, when the last human being has disappeared from the face of the earth. And not before that time!

Friend, you and I may be able to soften or lessen suffering, but we will never be able to eliminate it, because it is the fundamental problem of humanity and the destiny of humanity since the beginning of time.

This fact poses a major question for many people, which is this, “If there is a God, why is it that He permits His creatures to suffer? --That question is the bedrock of atheism. If there is a God, why has He allowed the innocent to suffer? In fact, the litany of “Whys?” never ends and never finds definitive answers.

Sadly, there are many people who say that we suffer in this life because God is punishing us for our sins. But to say that, only shows ignorance of God’s character. And to claim that pain comes from Divine wrath does not resolve the problem of suffering.

I read recently of a journalist who asked the question, Why does God allow fifty-thousand children to die every day in this world?” And in response to that, my question is, Why do we – you, and I and others – permit this to happen?” In reality, pain, suffering, and the decline of human life have been evident in all periods of history, and in all civilizations from the beginning of time.

Friends, I believe that the message I’m sharing with you today around the question, Where Was God when Disaster Struck?” would be incomplete without mentioning the sufferings of Jesus Christ. And I say this, because the heart of the Christian faith stands on the cross upon which Jesus the Son of God was crucified.

This cross and what transpired upon it, is the symbol of God’s love which gives sense to suffering. You see, Jesus did not come into this world to do away with physical suffering. He was the Son of God! He was God in human form! Yet He came to suffer and die for us. In fact, the years Jesus spent on this earth were years of suffering.

However, through Hissuffering, His death, and His resurrection, He made it possible for us to experience our salvation and be welcomed back into arms of our loving God.

In Fact, the suffering of Jesus was like all the Violence, the Storms, the Fires, the Droughts, the Earthquakes, the Hurricanes, the Tornados, the Typhoons and Diseases that have ever occurred over many centuries on this earth. Violence, Storms and Diseases, which took shape far away in the beginning of creation on another stage and which advanced uncontrollably until they unleashed all of their violence in suffering and death as they destroyed the lives of men, women, and children, without respect of persons!

Friend, the suffering of Jesus Christ,which was overcome once and for all in His RESURRECTION, brought about something good: which was the redemption of this broken world! In a real sense, SORROW and JOY have a lot in common, and the depths of SUFFERINGare equalled by the long reach of JOY! In fact, the wonderful message we find presented in the Bible, informs us that Jesus, who was a man of sorrows, and a constant victim of suffering, is also a well of gladness and a source of great happiness.

If you’re reading this message today, and you already love Jesus, I urge you to love Him even more, and with renewed strength. But if you do not have Him yet as your Redeemer and the Saviour of your life, I urge you to seek Him, because Jesus makes Himself available to anyone who is willing to place their faith and trust in Him.

In fact, if you’re wrenched with pain at the loss of a loved one through tragedy, or the storms of life, or the damage done to their homes or possessions, Jesus wants to pull you out of that dark pit of anguish and despair and share in your sorrow.

The truth is that you and I need not suffer without hope!

The reason I say this, is because the story of your life, small or great, with all its suffering, is in the hands of a loving God who is in solidarity with you because He gave up HisSon to die on a Cross so that your ultimate death might be transformed into life. Eternal life!

Where was God when tragedy and loss struck your life, or mine?

Where? Well, God was not in any loss, disease, COVID-19 Virus, storm, violence, drought, earthquake, or fire, you may have experienced. God was where He has been all along, where He is now, in the internal voice of our conscience, in “the gentle whisper” which the prophet Elijah heard on the mountain top almost 3,000 years ago (1 Kings 19:11-13).

Friend, although you may not have realized it, the Eternal loving God is close to your heart, in the depths of your soul, within reach of your wishes. He is in the very doors of your weeping, your sorrow and your suffering, but always with the hope of wiping every tear from your eyes with the mantle of His love.

Friend, the comfort of a personal, intimate relationship with God is truly the ONLY thing that will bring you and me the inner peace you or I need to cope with any tragedy in our life.

Therefore, if you are longing for the comfort only God can provide, I want you to know that He is waiting to offer it to you right now. But the most amazing miracle of all is that God offers us salvation from our SIN. And what this means, is that God is not only offering His strengthening presence during our life on this earth, but more importantly, He is offering an eternal home with Him after we die. In fact, that’s why Jesus died on a cross --- for your sin and mine.

In a very real sense, we are all in the same boat in the immensity of Earth’s sea, tossed to and fro by hard-hitting storms, blown off-course and torn apart by hard-driving winds. Yet when we are willing to hold out our arms in utter helplessness to the One who is able to calm the sea, the storm, and the wind, to the Creator of all the seas, of all the universe, God reaches down and rescues us from the turbulent dark waters of life.

Friend, if you and I are willing to reach out to Jesus Christ, who freely extends His arms of grace, in the clear understanding of our weakness, our vulnerability, and our inability to save ourselves, we are guaranteed that in His mercy He will rescue us from the tempestuous sea of our troubled life. So today friends, I encourage each of you to Reach out To Jesus,” because in His mercy, He’s reaching out to you.

Friend, perhaps even as you are reading our message today, you may still be questioning in your mind, “Where was God when my family were affected by tragedy and loss in our personal life?”

If that is the question you are asking, we encourage you to write to: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, WA 6331, and ask for our FREE booklets titled, Where was God?”, “WHERE TROUBLE CAN’T HURT YOU and When Life Lets You DOWN.”

Thank you for taking the time to read our message today concerning: Where Was God when Disaster Struck?”

I’d like to leave you with one last thought, a thought that is expressed so beautifully in these sentiments “That God is able, more than able to accomplish whatever may concern you today. He is able, more than able to handle anything that may come your way.”

Friend, if YOU will learn to trust GOD, with HIS help, YOU will be able to accomplish whatever may concern YOU today. And YOU will be able to handle anything that may come YOUR way.”

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Ron Bainbridge


Friend, my prayer for you today, is that God will lift you up on eagle’s wings and give you peace (ISAIAH 40:27-31).

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