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Today’s subject is sensitive and possibly difficult to understand.

Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES

(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places) Is dedicated to HELPING Men and Women Find HOPE


(Ron Bainbridge, Editor) (December 19th, 2019)


Friends, in over 50-years of Christian ministry, I have experienced the sad task of conducting funeral services for people, both young and old, who have gassed, drowned, hung, shot, and overdosed themselves on drugs. Such occasions have only reinforced my determination to do something positive to help men and women (especially our youth) to realize that there is a better way of dealing with stress, pressure, and depression, than destroying themselves.

Not long ago, I read a newspaper report which stated “More teenagers than ever before are becoming convinced the only way they can solve their problems is by taking their own lives.” It has also recently been stated that, in Australia, “Suicide has become one of the leading causes of death in people under the age of 44, and that it is increasing rapidly.” Obviously, these observations and the startling statistics that support them, profoundly depict Suicide as a growing epidemic.

Sadly, not far from where I am presently living, the City of Albany has been acknowledged as having the highest percentage per capita of teenage suicides in Western Australia!

Some of the reasons given for teenage suicide are: Family alienation, peer pressures, drugs, and loneliness. No doubt all of this is true! In fact, Loneliness can be a factor for suicide far beyond our wildest dreams! And the sad truth is that there are far too many young people in our world today who feel disconnected, who feel that no one really cares about them and the problems that drive many of them to despair, as they struggle to find meaningful relationships and a positive purpose for their life.

The truth is everybody needs somebody! Even Jesus of Nazareth felt alone as He hung upon the Cross of Calvary, when He cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46).

Friend, if you are a teenager and reading this article today, let me assure you that you have more reason to be alive and achieving today than at any time in the history of the human race. You see, the world is waiting for your young mind to find a cure for cancer and other related killers. Just think of the untold millions of people you could save if you were able to discover the cure for cancer! Young man or woman, the world needs you today as it has never needed you before!

You know, the magic of thinking big about your world, your future, and yourself could make all the difference in the world to you personally. In fact, everything in you was made to live. And the reason I say this, is because you were created to succeed in some particular area which makes you important to God’s plan for the human race. “But how do I find that something?” you might ask.

Well, let me suggest several roads to the magic of escaping futility: First of all, I suggest you practice adding value to everything in life. Ask what you can do to add value to your home, to your room, to your mind. Then practice adding value and importance to people. Make it a habit, beginning today, not to criticize anything or anybody. Make the effort to see some good in everyone you meet. Look for the best and you will discover that there is some value in every person. Finally, add real value to yourself. Visualize yourself, not as you are, but as you will be.

The price tag the world puts on you, is just about the price tag you put on yourself. So I encourage you to make up your mind to see yourself as a person of worth, to your family, to your friends, and to God!

I sincerely hope you will never forget, that the heart of the Christian message is called gospel—which is a word meaning “Good News.” – And the “Good News” is that God loves us in spite of everything we’ve messed up.

In reality, God allows us to learn from our mistakes, and He helps us move on with our lives. This fact, I have learned from numerous personal experiences during my lifetime. In reality, God does allow all of this, and much more, because He loves us and values our importance to His plan for the human race. – So my question to you today, is why would you want to kill yourself when you are somebody important?

Friend, God wants you and me to be winners! He wants us to tap into His power and strength, and He wants you to be equipped with the day-in, day-out resources that will keep you going, despite any adversity you may face in life. I’m hoping you will take advantage of what He offers and I’m hoping you’ll understand the reason He offers all of this to you, is because you are someone who is “very special” and “very important” to Him.

One more thing, if you or someone you know is grieving because of the Suicide of a relative or close friend, then we want you to know that help is available. Lifeline can be reached on 13 11 14.

The Salvation Army’s Hope for Life website: also provides details on how to support someone affected by Suicide. contains a wealth of information and resources to help grieving survivors. It is a nonprofit Christian support group for those who have felt the devastation of suicide. It is designed to help men and women who are groping through the pain of being left behind, to help them work through issues of guilt, God, anger, etc. Its mission is to help men and women find hope for the future again, and the strength and courage to reclaim their lives.

Friend, if you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, we encourage you to write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE for a FREE copy of two small booklets titled “Attacking the Agony of Loneliness” and Tomorrow Can Be Better Our address is: P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331. You can telephone us on: 98 418 418

Or Email us at:

Friend, if you are affected by the loss of a loved one through suicide, perhaps the PDF "Handbook for Survivors of Suicide", which can be downloaded from the internet, free of charge: content/uploads/2019/07/SOS_handbook.pdf may be of some help and comfort to you and your family, in knowing that others have walked a similar journey.

Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES have found this PDF to be wonderfully comprehensive and an extremely practical and helpful resource for sharing with others who have become survivors of suicide in their own families. I would encourage you to check it out and share from it, with others, whatever information you feel might be of help to your own grieving family members.

May God bless you with His healing and peace of mind, along with the wisdom and the strength to return to a normal life.

With Christian love,

Ron Bainbridge

“If you really want to be happy, the only person

That can stop you is you. Don’t strive to be happy.

Be happy wake up each morning. Smile.

Look for the good in the day. Choose to act happy.

Find the good in others. Work toward

Something larger than yourself!

Do the best you can in any endeavour.”

(Glen Van Ekeren)

“Change your thoughts and

You change your world.”

(Norman Vincent Peale)


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The Faces of What It’s Like To Lose Someone To Suicide

Restoring Hope After A Loved One’s Suicide




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