(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)
Are dedicated to HELPING
(John 10:10)

(MAY 5th, 2020)
Friend, in a world which has fallen under the power of deception, sin, and death, none of us can escape the winds of change, opposition, and disruption that break in on each of us from time to time.
In fact, there are many times that we find ourselves in all kinds of circumstances that we never chose, and are unable to change or control. Living the Christian life doesn't diminish our concerns and responsibilities; indeed, we should find ourselves with a deeper consciousness of the problems and needs surrounding us. We should be more concerned than ever to fulfill our responsibilities, and more acutely aware of the impact of our choices and decisions.
Friend, Christianity is not escapism. Jesus had to carry His cross and you and I will have to carry ours-if we choose to follow Him. The difference is that, in relationship with Christ, we are not left to struggle alone under the weight of our problems and responsibilities. Jesus will make our burdens easier to bear. In fact, He will make them His own.
Our greatest challenge will be to leave our personal concerns to His care, and to make His concerns our top priority. God Himself will provide for our bodies and protect our souls, which is what we are reminded of when we read Matthew 6:31-33 and 1Corinthians 10:13.
Friend, when a storm strikes, the rooster responds by withdrawing into itself and wrapping its wings tightly about itself, protecting itself as best it can. The eagle, however, spreads its wings and rises above the storm. It is true, that we cannot always choose the circumstantial climate in which we must live!
However, we can choose how we will respond to the climate in which we find ourselves. For instance we can, like the rooster, WITHDRAW into ourselves in a futile attempt to avoid life's storms. Or we can SOAR like the eagle, rising above the storms of life by seeing things from heaven's perspective, trusting in God's power and providence. WITHDRAW, or SOAR, the rooster, or the eagle-which way will you choose?
Friend, it is comforting to know that you and I are never alone in our battle to overcome the fears that face us!
The Great Realisation
A bed time story of how it started, and why hindsight is 2020!
To hear and View this ~Podcast~ Please click on the Link below
Friend, if you would like to know more about how you may obtain all the help you need to conquer your fear, no matter what it might be, we encourage you to write for our FREE booklet titled “How to Overcome FEAR.”
To receive your complimentary copy, simply write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331 You may also email us at abl-alb@omninet.net.au or Phone us on: (08) 98 418 418
“Believe in yourself. It isn't always easy. GO SLOWLY, enjoy the view; take time to heal the pain; REBUILD YOURSELF gently enhance your awareness. KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY. LEARN TO SOAR so you can be free!” (Sue Thomas)
Ron Bainbridge
Co-ordinator of:

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“Everything you will ever need ~ God Will Be!”