
Today’s Message of Encouragement from Discovering A BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

And are dedicated to providing Spiritual FOOD FOR THOUGHT
To HELP Men and Women Find HOPE
(Ron Bainbridge, Editor)
(November 23rd, 2020)
Friend, Nathaniel Branden, in his book titled “The Psychology of Self-Esteem”, writes that our sense of self-worth depends on two factors.
Firstly, self-esteem involves a sense of self-confidence. Each of us desperately need to believe that our lives are useful. For instance, if we can be successful at something – like running the marathon, earning a degree, becoming wealthy, having our names in a prominent place – these signs tell us that we are winners.
Secondly, our self-esteem is tied up with our values and standards. We feel that we must measure up.
Branden says, “Every human being judges himself by some standard; and to the extent that we fail to satisfy that standard, our sense of personal worth, our self-respect, suffers accordingly.”
Friend, each of us must ask our self some tough questions. Such as, have I been the kind of mother or father I should have been? Have I lived up to the standards I have set for myself in business?
Some of us are more aware of those questions than others. Sometimes, if we sense that we do not measure up, we create problems for ourselves and others. Some people show their lack of self-esteem by hating those who are threats to them. Others act in a neurotic attempt to do better.
They become perfectionists who are never satisfied with their work, their parenting or their success level in life. If they drive themselves harder, they feel they can win recognition.
In a popular fable, a carpenter named Geppetto creates a wooden puppet who he names Pinocchio. His creation comes to life with all the characteristics of a human little boy except that he is made of wood. This causes all kinds of personality problems for Pinocchio.
His difficulty is in many ways related to ours. Because he is different from others, he has problems of self-esteem. Confused about his identity he turns to the kindly Geppetto, the craftsman who created him. He says to Geppetto, “Poppa, if I’m alright with you, then I’m alright with me.”
Friend, in a profound way, Pinnochio speaks for all of us. Our attempt to build self-esteem may end in failure. Because the missing piece to the puzzle of achieving self-esteem is the realization that we are God’s creatures. We are created in His image – and regardless of race, nationality, appearance or talent, we are alright with God.
In reality, God wants fellowship with us because we are the crown of His creation. We do not have to conform to someone else’s idea of value; we are valuable because we are His.
“There are certain things you can do,
Or learn to do, that can make you
Extraordinarily valuable to
Yourself and to others!”
Friend, I sincerely hope today’s message may help you to find and enjoy a better life. If you would like to write to us, we’d love to hear from you. Our address is: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia 6331.
Email us at:
Phone us on: (08) 98 418 418
"Go out today with the thought that
An inner light is shining out of you.
People will notice and comment,
“What an attractive personality"
Norman Vincent Peale. – (1898—1993)
Friend, We invite You To Partner With Us,
By Sharing Discovering A BETTER LIFE
With a Friend, a Loved, one or a Co-worker!


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