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(Stories of Real People, Real Events, Real Places)

Are dedicated to HELPING


(John 10:10)

(April 28th, 2020)


Friends, how is human value determined in our society? You are right. It is often determined on the basis of looks and performance. For instance, if two people are interviewed for a job, the one that has the better appearance will usually get the job. Everyone knows that a person on trial in the courtroom will have a better chance with the judge and jury if he/she is clean and well-dressed. Better-dressed children in school often get better treatment than the poorly dressed. So what are the less attractive people to do? First, let’s not kid ourselves. This prejudice in favour of good looks probably will never change. Yet, something can change that can make a world of difference. And what I’m referring to right now, is that you can change the way you view yourself. This will also change the way most others view you. So you begin by strengthening your own view of yourself. In 1883 Sir Hugh Galton did a study to find out what makes a pretty face and what makes an ugly face. He used many composite drawings, placing them on top of the other, trying to find the answer. His conclusion was that “A pretty face has ordinary lines while an ugly one has, well, a few surprises.” Well, since each of us like surprises, when you look in the mirror, you perhaps could cry, “Surprise! Surprise!”

Katherine Hepburn was quoted in one of her interviews as saying that “plain women know more about men than beautiful ones do.” Isn’t that reassuring, especially coming from someone like Katherine Hepburn. Could it be that this would work the same way with plain men? Friend, I like the way Leo Buscaglia said it: “Always remember that some of you are created ravishingly beautiful. And some of you are ravishingly plain.” The technological-age offers us much in terms of time-saving and efficiency. But it tends to rob us of the personal touch. Who will assure us that we are someone special? Not the computer. Not the organization, factory or company where we sometimes feel we are little more than interchangeable parts in a big machine. In fact, in a time when we seem to be reduced to numbers on a computer, many people are crying out for someone to recognize them as persons. Perhaps, even as you’re reading what I’ve just written, you’re saying to yourself “that’s just how I feel and I’d like some assurance that my life counts for something.”

The wonderful thing is that you and I do not have to conform to someone else’s idea of value; we are valuable because we belong to God! You see, according to God’s standards each of us is someone special!

It may be true, that the values of our culture may scorn the average person. However, God’s values are different!

I like the words of T. S. Eliot, who wrote the following:

“. . . There is something in us

In all of us which isn’t just heredity,

But something unique! Something we have been

From eternity! Something that is straight from God!”

Friend, Jesus saw something special in everyone He met. And He sees something special in you and me! As the apostle Paul wrote, “. . . God shows His love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). This is the ultimate proof that you and I are very special persons indeed!

As you reflect on what I’ve shared with you today, I sincerely hope you have been convinced that you really are a very special person.

Friend, if you would like us to send you two FREE booklets affirming the truth, that you really are a special person, please write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and ask for The Relentless Love of God!” and You Are Someone Special and we shall mail your complimentary copies to you.

Our mailing address is, P.O. Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331.

E-mail us at: or Phone us on: (08) 98 418 418

“Every individual human being born on this earth has the

Capacity to become a unique and special person,

Unlike anyone who has ever existed before,

Or will ever exist again.”

(Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, b. 1926)

Friend, thank you for taking the time to read what we feel privileged to have shared with you today. We hope you have been encouraged and blessed.

Ron Bainbridge

Co-ordinator of:

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