Your Mindset Makes a Difference!

Today’s Message of Encouragement Discovering a BETTER LIFE MINISTRIES
(Stories of Real People, Real Events,Real Places)

And are dedicated to HELPING

Ron Bainbridge, Editor
(March 25th, 2020)
Your Mindset Makes a Difference!
Friend, how do you react to the daily news reports, especially in today’s climate of endless discussions about the COVID 19 virus that is causing such devastation, anxiety and fear throughout the entire world?
“I never watch them,” someone says. “It’s just too depressing!” Granted! There are negative stories practically every day. Stories about tragic accidents, blood and gore tend to get prominent placement and highlights the newsroom creed, which seems to say, that if it bleeds, it leads! “Oh, I see those horrible stories too,” chimes in another person. “They remind me that my responsibility for the coming day is to make someone’s world a little better. I can’t fix everything. But I can make a difference somewhere.”
Well friend, depending on which of those responses is closer to your own, you reveal a lot about your personality. Pessimists have a harder time with life than optimists. They have more health problems. They encounter more relationship difficulties. And they are more prone to destructive behaviours such as alcohol and drug abuse.
On the other hand, one study in the Archives of General Psychiatry says optimistic souls lead longer, healthier lives than their gloomy peers. The research cited, followed about 1,000 men and women through a decade of their lives. Those who were “very optimistic” had a 55 percent lower risk of death from all causes and a 23 percent lower risk of heart-related death.
Optimistic people are more physically active! They drink and smoke less. They evidence more self-respect. They enhance the morale of people around them. They value relationships with family and friends and do a better job maintaining them. They cope with stress differently and more effectively.
No, a leopard can’t change its spots. Certain features of a human personality are part of the hand we get dealt at birth. And some people may need the benefit of counselors or medications that help many to deal with anxiety or depression.
However, you can change some things. Avoid negative people who complain and criticize; spend time instead with positive, nurturing souls. Walk 30 minutes a day on three or four days of the week; walk with your eyes roaming the landscape for beauty around you. Look for ways to help you be a team member at your workplace or church; a commitment to helping trumps a lot of critical, negative attitudes. Pray about things that upset you; put someone bigger than yourself in charge.
Friend, learning to see the glass as half full rather than half empty has many practical rewards for you, your family, and your colleagues at work. However, no one but you can make the choice to see your world through different eyes.
A change in your perspective can change everything else in your world! You are a tremendous person! You wouldn’t have read this far if you weren’t. So let me encourage you to face the future with courage and optimism, because it is your Mindset That Makes the Difference.
Friend, perhaps you would like us to send you a small booklet titled “TOMORROW CAN BE BETTER." This booklet presents how we can live a life with positive purpose and infinite hope.
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